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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/167

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Of the Art of Diſtillation.
To make a medicine that halfe a graine thereof being taken every morning will keep the body ſoluble.

Take of the diſtilled Oil of Tobacco, of which let the eſſentiall ſalt of Tobacco imbibe as much as it can. Then with this compoſition make ſome Lozenges by adding ſuch things as are fitting for ſuch a forme of medicine; Note that you put but ſuch a quantity of this Oily ſalt as half a grain only may be in one Lozenge.

One of theſe Lozenges being taken every morning or every other morning keepeth the body ſoluble, and is good for them as are apt to be very coſtive in their bodies.

Note that you may put ſome aromaticall ingredient into the Lozenges that may qualifie the offenſive odour of the Oil, if there ſhall be any.

To make a Cordial, ſtomachicall, and purgative tincture.

Make a tincture of Hiera pera with Spirit of Wine well rectified, and aromatized with Cinamon or Cloves.

Two or three ſpoonfulls of this tincture being taken in a morning twice in a week wonderfully helps thoſe that have weak and foul ſtomacks, it openeth obſtructions, and purgeth viſcoſities of the ſtomack and bowells, cureth all inveterate head-ach, killeth wormes, and indeed leaveth no impurities in the body, and is very Condiall: for it exceedingly helps them that are troubled with faintings. There is nothing offenſive in this medicine but the bitterneſſe thereof, which the other extraordinary vertues will more then ballance.


Diſſolve Scammony in Spirit of Wine, evaporate the one moity, then precipitate it by putting Roſe-water to it: and it will become moſt white, for the black and fetid matter will lye