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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/173

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Of the Art of Diſtillation.
  1. Signifies the veſſels.
  2. The ſhreds.

Note that the ſhreds muſt be firſt wet in fair water, and the feculent matter be put into the uppermoſt veſſell.

Note alſo whereas here be two receivers, that in many caſes one may be ſufficient.

This way ſerves for the purifying of decoctions, juices, or diſſolutions of ſalts from their feculency, for that which is diſtilled by the ſhreds is as clear as Cryſtall, when what remains is very feculent.

To keep fire in a glaſſe, that whileſt the glaſſe is ſhut will not burne, but aſſoone as it is opened will be inflamed.

Firſt extract the burning ſpirit of the ſalt of tin in a glaſſe Retort well coated; when the Retort is cold, take it out and break it, and aſſoone as the matter in it, which remains in the bottome thereof after diſtillation, comes into the aire, it will preſently be inflamed. Put this matter into a glaſſe viall, and keep it cloſe ſtopt.
