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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/179

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Of the Art of Diſtillation.
Philoſophicall Bellowes.

There be here ſet downe three figures of theſe kindes of inſtruments, which belong to ſeverall uſes.

  1. Signifies that which blowes a fire for the melting of any metall or ſuch like operation, and it blowes mſft forcibly with a terrible noiſe.
  2. That which blowes a Candle to make the flame thereof very ſtrong for the melting of glaſſes, and nipping them up.
  3. That which any one may hold in their hand to blow the fire ſtrongly upon any occaſion.

Now the manner of the uſing them is this: you muſt firſt heat them very hot, then put the noſes thereof (which must have a very ſmall hole in them, no bigger then that a pins head may goe in) into a veſſell of cold water, and they will preſently ſuck in the water, of which then being full turne the noſes thereof towards the candle or fire which you would have blown.

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