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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/23

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To the Reader.

part I have here communicated upon the account of a bare acceptance onely what I have with many years paines, much reading, and great coſts known. There is but one thing which I deſire to be ſilent in as touching the proceſſe thereof; as for the thing it ſelfe to be prepared, what it is I have elſe where in this Treatiſe expreſſed; and the preparing of that is indeed a thing worth of any ones knowing, and which perhaps hereafter I may make knowne to ſome. I am of the ſame mind with Sandivogius, that that fourth Monarchy which is Northerne, is dawning, in which (as the ancient Philoſophers did divine) all Arts and ſiences ſhal flouriſh, and greater and more things ſhal be diſcovered then in the three former. Theſe Monarchies the Philoſophers reckon not according to the more potent, but according to the corners of the world, whereof the Northerne is the laſt, and indeed is no other then the golden age, in which all tyranny, oppreſſion, envie, and covetouſneſſe ſhal ceaſe, when there ſhal be one prince and one people abounding with love and mercy, & flouriſhing in peace: which day I earneſtly expect.
