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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/25

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VVhat Diſtillation is, and the kinds thereof.

I Shall not ſtand here to ſhew whence the Art of Distillation had its originall, and if known, yet little conducing to our enſuing Diſcourſe. But let us underſtand what Diſtillation is, of which there are three principall, and chief definitions, or deſcriptions.

  1. Diſtillation is a certain Art of extracting the Liquor, or the humid part of things by vertue of heat (as the matter ſhall require) being firſt reſolved into a vapour, and then condenſed again by cold.
  2. Diſtillation is the art of extracting the ſpirituall, and eſſential humidity from the flegmatick, or of the flegmatick, from the ſpirituall.
  3. Diſtillation is the changing of groſs thick bodies into a thinner, and liquid ſubſtance, or ſeparation of the pure liquor from the impure feces.

I ſhall treat of Diſtillation according to all theſe three acceptions, and no otherwiſe, hence I ſhall exclude Sublimation,
