Putrefaction, is the reſolution of a mixt body into it ſelf by a naturall gentle heat.
Quinteſſence, is an abſolute, pure and well digeſted medicine, drawne from any ſubſtance, either animall, vegetable, or minerall.
Rectification, is either the drawing of the flegme from the Spirit, or of the Spirit from the flegme, or the exaltation of any Liquor by a reiterated diſtillation.
Reverberation, is the reducing of bodies into a Calx by a reflecting flame.
Solution, is a diſſolving or attenuating of bodies.
Stratification, is a ſtrewing of corroding powder on plateſ of metall by courſe.
Sublimation, is an elevating, or raiſing of the matter to the upper part of the veſſell by way of a ſubtle powder.
Subtiliation, is the turning of a body into a Liquor, or into a fine powder.
Tranſmutation, is the changing of a thing in ſubſtance, colour, and quality.
Volatile, is that which flyeth the fire.
- Make choyce of a fit place in your houſe for the furnace, ſo that it may neither hinder any thing, nor be in danger of the falling of any thing into it that ſhall lye over it: for a forcing furnace, it will be beſt to ſet it in a chymnie, becauſe a ſtrong heat is uſed to it, and many times there are uſed brands which will ſmoak, and the fire being great the danger thereof may bepre-