Of the Art of Diſtillation.
Note that in defect of Wine, Aqua vitæ will ſerve; alſo ſtrong-beer, but not altogether ſo well, becauſe there is more groſſe earthineſſe in it then in wine.
The water of either of theſe flowers is a moſt fragrant perfume, and may be uſed as a very delicate ſweet water, and is no ſmall ſecret.
- Shewes the head of the Alembick.
- the body thereof, placed in a braſſe veſſell made for that purpoſe.
- A braſſe veſſell perforated in many places to receive the vapour of the water. This veſſell ſhall contain the Alembick compaſſed about with ſawduſt, not only that it may the better and longer retain the heat of the vapour, but alſo leſt it ſhould be broken by the hard touch of the braſen veſſell.
- Shewes the brass veſſell containing the water as it is plac't in the Furnace.
- The Furnace containing the veſſell.
- A Funnell by which 'you may now and then powere in water, in ſtead of that which is vaniſht and diſſipated by the heat of the fire.
- The Receiver.