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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/61

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Of the Art of Diſtillation.
Oyle of Gummes, Reſines, fat and oily things may be drawn thus.

Take of either of theſe which you pleaſe, being melted, a pound, mix it with three pound of the powder of tiles, or unflaked lime; put them into a Retort, and extract an Oyle, which with plenty of water may be rectified.

Note that the water from whence the Oyle is ſeparated, is of excellent vertue, according to the nature of the matter from whence it is drawn.

Oyle of Camphire is made thus.

Take of Camphire ſliced thin as much as you pleaſe, put it into a double quantity of Aqua fortis or Spirit of wine, let the glaſſe having a narrow neck, be ſet by the fire, or on ſand or aſhes the ſpace of five or fix houres, ſhaking the glaſſe every half houre, and the Camphire will all be diſſolved and ſwim on the Aqua fortis or ſpirit of Wine like an Oyle.

Note that if you ſeparate it, it will all be hard again preſently, but not otherwiſe.

Another way to make Oyle of Camphire, that it ſhall not be reduced again.

Take of Camphire powdered as much as you pleaſe, put it into a glaſſe like a Urinall, put upon it another urinall-glaſſe inverted, the joynts being cloſe ſhutten ſublime it in aſhes, inverting thoſe urinalls ſo often till the Camphire be turned into an oyle, then circulate it for the ſpace of a moneth, and it will be ſo ſubtle, that it will all preſently vapour away in the aire, if the glaſſe be open.

Another way to make Oyle of Camphire.

Take two ounces of Camphire, diſſolve it in four ounces of pure Oyle olive, then put them into four pints of fair water, diſtill

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