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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/63

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Of the Art of Diſtillation.
Oyle of Myrrke per deliquium or by diſſolution is made thus.

Take Hen-egs boyled hard, and cut in the middle length-wayes, take out the yelks, then fill up the hollow halfe way with powder of Myrrhe, and joine the parts together again, binding them with a thread, and ſo ſet them upon a grate betwixt two platters, in a cold moiſt place, ſo the liquor of the Myrrhe diſſolved will diſtill into the lower platter.

Oyle of Tartar per deliquium (i.) by diſſolution.

Take of the beſt Tartar calcined white according to Art, put it into a cotten bag, hang it in the cellar or ſome moiſt place, putting under a receiver.

Oyles by expreſſion are made thus.

Take of what things you pleaſe, ſuch as will afford an Oyle by expreſſion, bruiſe them, then put them into a bag, and preſſe them ſtrongly putting a veſſell under to receive the oyle.

Note that they muſt ſtand in the preſſe ſome houres, becauſe the Oyle drops by little, and little.

Note alſo that if you warm them before you put them into the preſſe, they will yeeld more oyle, but then it will not keep good ſo long as otherwiſe.

After this manner are made Oyles of

Linſeed, and ſuch like.
A vomiting, and purging Oyle made by expreſſion.

Take of the Berries of Ebulus or Dwarfe Elder, as many as you pleaſe, let them be dryed but not over much, then bruiſe them, and in bruiſing them, moiſten them with the beſt
