Of the Art of Diſtillation.
and full of holes, that the Oil or water may drop through, and not the vegetable it ſelfe. Into this inſtrument being firſt ſet into the lower gourd, put the mouth of the upper gourd, then make thy fire on the top, and keep it burning as long as any liquor will drop.
The figure of this furnace is thus.
- Signifies the gourd containing the matter to be diſtilled.
- The Furnace containing the Coals, ſo that they ſurround the upper gourd.
- The lower gourd or recipient ſet upon ſtraw-rings.
- The veſſell of Tin with holes, and brims which must be ſet in the recipient.
How to make an Oil and water out of Soot.
This may be diſtilled per deſcenſum, or by retort as thus, viz. Take of the beſt Soot (which ſhines like jeat) fill with it a glaſſe retort coated, or earthen retort to the neck, diſtill it with a ſtrong fire by degrees into a large receiver, and there will come forth a yellowish Spirit with a black Oil, which thou maiſt ſeparate and digeſt.