Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/4

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Quite Well, Thank You. yuiie well, inanK lou. i • He^ -i- ^ — == :po] 55 .^J<2^ 36b IRoeal and ^iscuxrrs «oo. Xetters patent.

  • ' NARRU " is a preparation of Wheateii Meal, especially prepared to meet the require-

ments of the Australian climate, a concentrate of Germ and Gluten (the Phosphorus and Albuminoids of Wheat), the most nutritious products nature has stored in wheat, and which no other farinaceous food contains in nearly so large a per centage. " Narrl: " should command the patronage and recommendation of the Medical Profession. " Narru " is good for adults and children, especially suitable for invalids and those suffering from weak digestions. "N.rru" will be found cooling to the human system, and a boon to those who suffer from dyspepsia and constipation. "N.rru" constitutes an important article of diet for City, Bush, and Ocean Life. The United States Milling World, Januarj' 2, 1893, states " that about 99 per cent, of Oatmeal eaters are dyspeptics," a spreading con- viction of the fallacy of Oatmeal as a universal diet. " NARRU " Porridge Meal, In 2 & 4-lb. pkts., sold by all Grocers. " NARRU " Digestive Bread, baked daily by all leading Bakers. WHOLESALE AGENTS: JAMES AMOS & SONS, Flour Merchants, 218, Sussex St., Wniier J?i«-^tgal anb gistingnis^tb ^slronage. THE ♦ LADIES' * GYMNASIUM {ESTABLISHED, MELBOURNE, 1879). {Under Unitarian Church.) Principal: Miss H. ELPHINSTONE DICK. THF T AniF^' r.YMNAQlTlM 's an established Institute for Physical inc. l^ilUl£.D UimnAdlUlU culture, having thoroughly efficient Instructors and the best Apparatus. It compares favourably with kindred establishments in Europe and America, visitors from Home recognising in its system and appliances the latest improvements. Children are here provided with the means of developing those physical powers which are essential to a sound Education, and, failing which, mental progress is too often accomplished at the expense of health. Owing to various causes girls are very liable to Spinal Defomvities, Muscular Weaknesses, and Contractions — shown in mal-posture — for which the rational treatment is to restore the balance of power by developing the weak muscles and relaxing the cotitracted ones. Professor Ling'.s System of Curative Movements (active and passive), directed by later science, and in conjunction with Massage, is acknowledged to be the only treatment for Muscular Deformities. The leading Medical Men support this view by constantly placing with Miss Dick such cases, which she is qualified to treat by her knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology, and by long experience, supplementing the special training she received from Dr. Roth (of Old Cavendish Street, London), from whom she holds a Certificate. Infantile Paralysis, Arrested Development, Spinal Weakness and Curvature, Contracted Tendons, Weak and Stiff Joints, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Pulmonary Weakness, Asthma, and many other forms of ill-health are cured or benefited by prescribed movements. Gjrmnastic Class, £1 Is. per quarter; PatiMits, £2 2s. to £5 5s. Circulars Posted.