Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/41

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CONTENTS. xxvii PAGES education — The purpose of education — School cookery instruction in England and in Australia — Cookery in its x-elation to health — Cookery as a preventive of drunken- ness — Cookery in the formation of character — A national plea on behalf of Australian school cookery . . 92-113 CHAPTER IX. AUSTRALIAN FOOD HABITS, AND THEIR FAULTS — A PLEA FOR TUEIR IMPROVEMENT. Food usually in harmony with climate, except in Australia — Isothermal lines of Australian cities. Southern Europe, and southern portion of United States — Australian food habits diametrically opposed to climate — Lamentable state of Australian cookery — Restricted choice of vege- tables in Australia — Many other desirable vegetables never seen here, but in great request elsewhere — No possible excuse, as they would all do well — Extraordinary trouble in popiUarising the tomato in Australia — A protest against " boiling," and nothing but " boiling," in the cookery of vegetables — Cookery must be taught in Australian schools — No national Australian dish, a reproach to Australia ..... 114-125 CHAPTER X. AUSTRALIAN FISH AND OYSTERS AND THEIR FOOD VALUE. Ko deep-sea fisheries in AustKdia, although her people come from a maritime stock — The defectiveness of our Aus- tralian fish supply - Our primitive methods of fish capture —The beam-trawl in deep-sea fishing — Drift-net and other deep-sea fishing— Eenefits from the develop- ment of our decp-sca fisheries — Fish markets— The " middleman " controversy — The distribution of fish to the public — Fishmongers and the sale of fish — The development of the oyster — The failure in the New South Wales and Victorian oyster supplies — The re- creation of our oyster fisheries — The food value of the oyster— Hhe food value of fish . . . .126-160