Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/448

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centre, close over the pastry, turn the cake over, flatten it out in the middle. Brush over with sugar, and bake in rather a quick oven. Serve warm. LEMON BISCUITS. ^ lb. Flour 1 3 oz. Dripping . . . . J ' 1 teaspoonful Baking Powder . • 1 ^ 3 oz. Sugar J ' 1 Lemon d, lEgg Id. Total Cost— 4(?. Time— 10 Minutes. Rub the dripping into the flour, stir in the sugar and baking powder, and grate over the rind of the lemon. Beat up the Qgg and strain in the lemon juice ; add these to the dry ingredients, mix into a stiff dough, and knead for a few minutes. Roll out, cut into small biscuits, and bake in a quick oven for about ten minutes. Id. d.

Id. YORKSHIRE TEA CAKES. fib. Flour Ud. lEgg . . 1| gills Milk . ' 1 tablespoonful Yeast ^ tablespoonful Sugar 1 oz. Butter Total Cost — 5d. Time — One Hour and a Quarter. Rub the butter and flour together, make a well in the centre, sprinkle in the sugar, and drop in the egg. ]Iix the yeast and sugar in a basin, make the milk just tepid, and pour it over the yeast. Strain into the flour and egg and work into a light dough, divide into two parts. Rub a little butter over two small tins, and put one cake in each tin. Cover with thin paper, and stand the tins near the