Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/469

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PAGE Sardines, devilled . . . . , .- .312 Sardine salad . 376 Sauce a la maitre d'h6tel . . 364 Sauce, beetroot in . .^ . 348 Sauce, brown . 369 Sauce, curry- . 364 Sauce, East Indian salad . . 379 Sauce, jam .... . 365 Sauce, Mayonnaise, complete recipe for 174, 175 Sauce, melted butter . 366 Sauce, onion . 365 Sauce, Kemoulade, or salad dressing . 381 Sauce, tomato . 368 Sauce, white . • ^ . 368 Sausages, potato . . 328 Saute of new potatoes . 359 Saute of potatoes . . 356 Saute of turnips . . 350 Savoury, cheese . 378 Savoury potatoes . . 362 Scalloped fish . 296 Scalloped oysters . . 302 Scandinavian pudding . 313 School cookery, on . 92 Scones, No. 1 . . . . 393 Scones, No. 2 . . , . 393 Scones, No. 3 . . . . 394 Scotch broth , 281 Scotch coUops . 321 Season, clothing should vary with the . 56 Seasons, duration of the . . 18 Seasons, months in each season . 18 Seed cake .... . 392 Semolina soup . 279 Sheep's tongues in tomato sauce . 330 Short pastry. No. 1 . 383 Short pastry. No. 2 . 384 Silk clothing, properties of . 53 Six miles a day, exercise . . 90 Skin, different parts of the 25, 26 Skin, functions of the . 24