Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/115

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B. IV.
Preserving HEALTH.

Peace to each drowsy metaphysic sage!
60And ever may the German folio's rest!
Yet some there are, even of elastic parts,
Whom strong and obstinate ambition leads
Thro' all the rugged roads of barren lore,
And gives to relish what their generous taste
65Would else refuse.But may nor thrift of fame
Nor love of knowledge urge you to fatigue
With constant drudgery the liberal soul.
Toy with your books: and, as the various fits
Of humour seize you, from Philosophy
70To Fable shift; from serious Antonine
To Rabelais' ravings, and from prose to song.

While reading pleases, but no longer, read;
And read aloud resounding Homer's strain,
And weild the thunder of Demosthenes.
75The chest so exercis'd improves its strength;

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