Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/131

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B. IV.
Preserving HEALTH.

Refin'd, humane, and generous, if they can.
330Love in such bosoms never to a fault
Or pains or pleases.But ye finer Souls,
Form'd to soft luxury, and prompt to thrill
With all the tumults, all the joys and pains,
That beauty gives; with caution and reserve
335Indulge the sweet destroyer of repose,
Nor court too much the Queen of charming cares.
For, while the cherish'd poison in your breast
Ferments and maddens; sick with jealousy,
Absence, distrust, or even with anxious joy,
340The wholsome appetites and powers of life
Dissolve in languor.The coy stomach loaths
The genial board: Your chearful days are gone:
The generous bloom that flush'd your cheeks is fled.
To sighs devoted and to tender pains,
345Pensive you sit, or solitary stray,
And waste your youth in musing.Musing first

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