Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/137

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B. IV.
Preserving HEALTH.

The Body feels; or chronic, or acute.
435And oft a sudden storm at once o'erpowers
The Life, or gives your Reason to the winds.
Such fates attend the rash alarm of Fear,
And sudden Grief, and Rage, and sudden Joy.
There are, mean time, to whom the boist'rous fit
440Is Health, and only fills the sails of life.
For where the Mind a torpid winter leads,
Wrapt in a Body corpulent and cold,
And each clogg'd function lazily moves on;
A generous sally spurns th' incumbent load,
445Unlocks the breast, and gives a cordial glow.
But if your wrathful blood is apt to boil,
Or are your nerves too irritably strung;
Wave all Dispute; be cautious if you joke;
