Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/139

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B. IV.
Preserving HEALTH.

Of all that ever taught in Prose or Song,
465To tame the Fiend that sleeps a gentle Lamb,
And wakes a Lion.Unprovok'd and calm,
You reason well, see as you ought to see,
And wonder at the madness of mankind:
Seiz'd with the common rage, you soon forget
470The speculations of your wiser hours.
Beset with Furies of all deadly shapes,
Fierce and insidious, violent and slow;
With all that urge or lure us on to Fate;
What refuge shall we seek? what arms prepare?
475Where Reason proves too weak, or void of wiles,
To cope with subtle or impetuous Powers,
I would invoke new Passions to your aid:
With Indignation would extinguish Fear,
With Fear or generous Pity vanquish Rage,
480And Love with Pride; and force to force oppose.

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