Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/50

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The ART of
B. II.

Impose. Thro' autumn's languishing domain
285Descending, nature by degrees invites
To glowing luxury. But from the depth
Of winter, when th' invigorated year
Emerges; when Favonius flush'd with love,
Toyful and young, in every breeze descends
290More warm and wanton on his kindling bride;
Then, shepherds, then begin to spare your flocks;
And learn, with wise humanity, to check
The lust of blood. Now pregnant earth commits
A various offspring to th' indulgent sky:
295Now bounteous nature feeds with lavish hand
The prone creation; yields what once suffic'd
Their dainty sovereign, when the world was young;
E're yet the barbarous thirst of blood had seiz'd
The human breast. Each rolling month matures
300The food that suits it most; so does each clime.
