Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/57

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B. II.
Preserving HEALTH.

Too happy they! But wealth brought luxury,
And luxury on sloth begot disease.
405Learn temperance, friends; and hear without disdain
The choice of water.Thus the [1]Coan sage
Opin'd, and thus the learn'd of every school.
What least of foreign principles partakes
Is best: The lightest then; what bears the touch
410Of fire the least, and soonest mounts in air;
The most insipid; the most void of smell.
Such the rude mountain from his horrid sides
Pours down; such waters in the sandy vale
For ever boil, alike of winter frosts
415And summer's heat secure.The lucid stream,
O'er rocks resounding, or for many a mile
Hurl'd down the pebbly channel, wholesome yields

  1. Hippocrates.