Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/73

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Preserving HEALTH.

Beams o'er the hills; go, mount th' exulting steed,
60Already, see, the deep-mouth'd beagles catch
The tainted mazes; and, on eager sport
Intent, with emulous impatience try
Each doubtful track.Or, if a nobler prey
Delight you more, go chase the desperate deer;
65And thro' its deepest solitudes awake
The vocal forest with the jovial horn.

But if the breathless chase o'er hill and dale
Exceed your strength; a sport of less fatigue,
Not less delightful, the prolific stream
70Affords. The chrystal rivulet, that o'er
A stony channel rolls its rapid maze,
Swarms with the silver fry. Such, thro' the bounds
Of pastoral Stafford, runs the brawling Trent;
Such Eden, sprung from Cumbrian mountains; such
