Page:The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet.djvu/9

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AC. Archæologia Cambrensis. 1846.
BB. Bismya, The Lost City of Adab. E. J. Banks, New York. 1912.
BC. Antiquities of Cornwall. W. Borlase, 1769.
BD. An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary. E. A. W. Budge, 1920.
BIP. Indische Paleographie. G. Bühler, Strassburg, 1896.
BO. Ogam Inscribed Monuments. R. R. Brash, 1879.
Br. Classified List of Ideographs. R. E. Brünnow, Leiden, 1889
BW. Origin and Development of Babylonian Writing. G. A. Barton, Leipzig, 1913.
CA. The Alphabet. E. Clodd, 1913.
CAH. Cambridge Ancient History. 1923 f.
CCT. Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocia in British Museum. 1921, etc.
CIS. Corpus Inscript. Semiticarum. Paris, 1883 f.
CMC. Mission en Cappadoce. E. Chantre, Paris, 1898.
CT. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, etc., in British Museum.
ECB. Ancient British Coins. J. Evans, 1864.
Edda. Codex Regius af den Ældre Edda. L. F. A. Wimmer and F. Jönsson, Copenhagen, 1891.
FBT. Boghazköi Texts in umschrift ii. E. Forrer, Leipzig, 1922.
GH. Hieroglyphs. F. L. Griffith, 1898.
GP. Scripturae linguæque Phœniciae Monumenta. Leipzig, 1857.
HB. Boghazköi Studien. F. Hrozny and others, 1922.
HGI. Catalogue of Greek Coins in British Museum. Ionia. B. H. Head, 1892.
HGP. Catalogue of Greek Coins in British Museum. Phœnicia, G. F. Hill, 1910.
HN. Index of Hittite Names. L. Mayer and J. Garstang, 1923.
HOB. Old Babylonian Inscriptions. H. V. Hilprecht, 1890.
KID. Inscriptions of Darius at Behistun. L. W. King, 1907.
LE. Études Accadiennes. F. Lenormant, Paris, 1873-9.
M. Seltene assyrische Ideogramme. B. Meissner, Leipzig, 1906.
MD. Dictionary of the Assyrian Language. W. Muss-Arnolt, Berlin, 1905.
MG. Elementary Egyptian Grammar. M. A. Murray, 1914.
PA. The Formation of the Alphabet. W. F. Petrie, 1912.
PL. Sign-List of Babylonian Wedge-Writing. T. G. Pinches, 1882.
