Page:The Atlantic Monthly Volume 3.djvu/8

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IV Contents. Bitter-Sweet, 651. Bryant, Durand's Portrait of, 653. Buusen's Gott in der Geschichte, 525. Colton's Illustrated Cabinet Atlas, 772. Courtship of Miles Standish, 129. Dexter's Street Thoughts, 646. Duyckinck's Life of George Herbert, 773. Emerson, Rowse's Portrait of, 653. Ernest Carroll, 136. Furness's Thoughts on the Life and Charac- ter of Jesus, 131. Hamilton's Lectures on Metaphysics, 774. Hymns of the Ages, 136. Index to Catalogue of Boston City Library, 777. Lytton, R. B., (Owen Meredith,) Poems by, 772. Mathematical Monthly, The, 647. Morgan's, Lady, Autobiography, 650. Mothers and Infants, Nurses and Nursing, 645. Mustee, The, 652. Prescott's Philip II., 122. Sawyer's New Testament, 386. Sedd"on, Thomas, Memoir and Letters of, 648. Sixty Years' Gleanings from Life's Harvest, 770. Stratford Gallery, The, 135. Symbols of the 'Capital, 773. Triibner's Bibliographical Guide to Ameri- can Literature, 777. Vernon Grove, 133. Whittier, Barry's Portrait of, 653. Wilson's Conquest of Mexico, 518, 633. LIST OF BOOKS, 260, 391, 527, 655, 779.