Page:The Babylonian conception of heaven and hell - Jeremias (1902).djvu/64

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Frey, Johs. Tod, "Seelenglaube und Seelenkult im alten Israel." Leipzig (1898). (Makes no use of Babylonian evidence.) 4s.

The translations of the Gilgamesh (Nimrod) epos by Alfred Jeremias: "Izdubar-Nimrud," Leipzig, 1891 (cf. also his articles "Ishtar," "Izdubar," in Roscher's "Lexicon"), and P. Jensen, Keilnischriftliche Bibliothek, Bd. vi. "Die alt-babylonische Epen und Mythen" may also be consulted. See also the articles "Creation," "Deluge" "Eschatology," "Nimrod," and "Paradise," in the "Encyclopedia Biblica," edited by the Rev. Dr. Cheyne and J. S. Black, and in Rev. Dr. J. Hastings' "Dictionary of the Bible."

Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson 🙵 Co.
London 🙵 Edinburgh