Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/208

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[ 160 ]

Heed not the words of my father,
Summon neither Greeks nor yet Bulgars,
Or never wilt thou go forth alive
Out of our city of Dubrovnik,
Nor never mayst thou lead home thy bride!
So do thou ask Serbs to be thy wedding-guests,
As kum take Novak Debelić,
As prikumak, Gruja Novaković, 40
As stari svat, Janko of Sibinj,
As dever, Marko Kraljević,
As čauš, the wingéd Relja,
As vojvoda, Miloš Obilić,
As barjaktar, Milan Toplica,
As privenac, Ivan Kosančić.
As for the others, ask whom ye will;
Gather together, Djuro, a thousand guests,
And come as soon as it liketh thee."
When Djuro had scanned the letter, 50
He had little pleasure of it,
And came in a study to Smederevo.
While he was yet afar off,
His mother spied him,
And came out for to meet him;
They embraced and kissed each the other,
And Djuro kissed his mother's hand.
Then each took other by the hand,
And so they entered into the white manor,
And sate them down at the well-spread sofra. 60
And Djuro's mother asked him:
"Son of mine, Djuro, Djuro of Smederevo!
Art thou come to me in peace?
Hast thou won for me a daughter-in-law.?
For me a daughter, for thee a faithful wife?"
Answered to her Djuro Smederevac:
"God be praised, mine aged mother!
I have journeyed in peace hither;
A daughter have I won for thee,