Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/22

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The BANGLADESH (mama, JULY 6, 1972 [PAan


(23‘) Dr Ahmadur'Rnhman, Sherput‘ 0.0., Dispen- sary. Mymcnsingh.

(24) Dr'Khondaker Nurul Ahmed, Radiologist, Sadat Hospital, Jessorc.

(25) Dr Md. Fazlul Hoque (3). B.M.O., Mitford Hospital, Date-ca.

(26) Dr Kazi MOHUdL'ifl Ahmed,M. 0., Institute of Public He 11th, Dow.

(27) Dr Md. Shaokat Ali. Radiologist, Sadar HOSpitJ, Dinajpur.

(28) Dr Md. Shamsul Hudn. S. D. M.O. l-l.. Feni, Noukhali.

(29) Dr Syed Abdul Hospital. Khulna.

(30) Dr Bashira Khatun, SAS, Sadar Hospital' Khulna.

(3]) Dr Md. Nuruddin. RadiOIOgist, Sadar Hos. pital, Faridpur.

(32) Dr M. A. Quadcr (1), Radiologist Moulovi Bazar, Subdivisional Hospital. Sylhet.

(33) Dr Abdul Sobhan Sarker, Police Hospital,

Hamid, M. 0.. Police

  • 1


N0. HS/S~I[5A~3-72/20683—2lst June 1972—1116 place of potting of Dr Md. Nurul Haquc who has been :‘pptinted as Ass stunt Surgeon, inthe Bangla- dcsh Health Scrvuccs (Urpcl‘), wide this Directorate notificattt 11 N0. HS/S-IJSA-3/72/4938, dated the 16th May 1972, vldc Sl. Nu 3, may be read I“ “Medi~ cal omccr. T. B_. Clinic, Madariptr, Faridpur" in place of “Medical Olficcr, Rural Health Centre, Baalmari, Faridpur."

K. A. KHALEQUE Director.

[To be sabstltuted for the one bearing the lame number and date.)

NOTIFICATION No. HS/EU),ISAS/25495—22nd June l972—Pending

the approval of Public Scrv‘ce (First) Commission. Bangladesh. Dacea, the followmg Sub-Assistant,

‘ ,.h ‘1.- Surgeons are promoted temporarily. to offitiate 34 S‘fiv‘a ‘A B M C_ ,1 to the pastor Assistant Surgecns tn Bangladesh ( ) Dracw- - 8WD. - 0.. WI DGIeDCC. Health Sarvrees (Upper), with effect from the date

(35) Dr Anwarul Azim, Sadar Hospital, Krshtia. (36) Dr Jalaluddin Ahmed, Radiologist, Kushtia. (37) Dr Shamsul Islam Bhuiyan, Ancsthctist,

of their jOining to the post of Assistant Surgeon.

This has been mat’e as per Government order No. s-ll/lE-97/72fzs7, dated 10th June 1972:

(I) Dr Md. Abdul Montana (1); Leprosy Hospital,

Sadar HoSpitul, Burisal. syn“.

iv (38) Dr Abdus Samnd, '1'. B. Hospital, Sylhet. (2) Dr l—limangsu Bimal Dewan, T. B. Clinic. E r (39) Dr AdeI Mokaddas Chowdbury, Anwara “mm”

.~ A AT.D., Chittagong. (3) Dr A. T. M. Abdur Rahman, Central Jail, 5 (40) Dr Md. Bazlur Rahman, S.D.M.0.H.,Sadar, Dwa-


(4) Dr Abdus Salam, Police Hospital, Sylhet.

(41) Dr Md. Satiul Islam, Jail HosPital, Chitta~ (5) Dr Hafizur Rahman (1), Police Hospital, I gong. Jessore. In" ( Dr Feroz Ali, Sriman 1 Thin Dis , l ‘ No. HS/SvIA/SA-3é72/2535133—23rg June;1 1932—Pegld- 6) Sylhet. ga palm ing recruitment 0 can I tes t roug t e Pu ic -' Mm,’ i513”- ' Serv’:c: Comm'ssion, Bangladesh, Dacca, Dr H. Ansari, (7) nigguczalfahman’. “1’ (Sec' DD

M. B. B. S.. is appo'nted to ofiiciate on ad hoc basis as an Assistant Surgeon. in the Bangladesh Health Services (Uprer) until further order, one fixed pay of Taka 325 plus '1'. P. Taka 50 pm and posted

(8) Dr M. Sobh‘an Ali, Jailufioslaital, Sylhet. (9) Dr 81:. Ahmed Ali, Police Hospital, Rangpnr. "(10) Dr M. Golam Mustafa, Jail Hospital, Sylhet.

l temporarlly as Clinical Assmtant, Mental Hospital, (11) DI. M. Abdus San", 5.1). MI). Ha Sui”, ‘ ORDIER (12) Dr M. Abdul Qunder (1), Mirpur (Old is 'No. HS.IE(l)/SAS[20662——22nd June 1972—011 his 09'0"“) Dlsflmfl- ‘ ,

F— transfer from Jail H spltal, Patuakhali. as per this (13) Dr Md. Saljur Rahman, Radiologist, Sadat

Directorate notificat‘on No. HS!E(I)/SAS]8996, dated 171th Ma. ch 1972. Dr M. A Karim relieved from Patuakh '1‘ Jail Hospital on 17th May 1972 (after- noon) and reported his arrival to Goshairhat Rural Health.Centre, district Farldpur, on 25th May 1972, where he could nct take over the charge due to no fatlt rf his own. He rcpt'rted the matter to the Director of Health Services and ccmp ‘lsorily waited for fresh posting order ti] 10th June 1972.

A fresh posting order was lasued on 10th June 1972 as per this Directorate nrtification NmI-ISIEU)! SASI24‘85;1(7), dated 10th June 1972, transferring himto KaliSuri Rural Dispensary, distr‘ct Patuakhall, where he ioined on 16th J me 1972 (afternoon) taking join'ng time from 11th Junel972 to 16th June 1972.

As Dr M. A. Karim compu‘sorily waived for. post- ing order up to 10th Inc 1972 as well as to k Joining

time fr m llth June 1972 to 16th June 1972, the

entire period from 18th May 1972 to 16th June. 1972 is treated as on duty under rule 5(17)(b) and note 2

»_ thereunder of B. S. R., Part I.

Hospital, Dinajpiu'. ‘ (14) Dr giakubAli Khan, Jail Hospital, Mymen. sm .

(15) Dr Md Nurul Alam, Jail Hospital,rBarisaL (16) Dr Amjad Hossain Tarat‘der, Radiologist, Jamalpur S.D. Hospital. Mymensingh.

(17) Dr A. T. M, Zakaria, Jail Hospital, Noakhali. '(18) Dr Nurul Islam, Radiologist, 'Narayanganj S. D. Hospi al, Decca. ~

(19) Dr Shariatullah, Police HOSpital, Daeca.

(20) Dr Abdul: Rouf, Jail Hospital, Comil'a.

(21) Dr Md. Shamsul Huque. ~‘I-Iat’ittalrunda Rural Dispensary. Jessore. ’

(22) Dr Md. Abdul Majid fiMolla. Rad‘ologist, Kish reganjrS. D. Hospital, Mymenstngh.

(23) Dr chabrata ChakraVortY, S.D.M.O.H., Bhola, Baris’l.

(24) Dr S. AK. FazluI Huque Police Hospital, Pabna.