Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/37

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PART 1] fl


(c) If the owner or occupier of the holding touches or interferes with the meter in any Way except with the permission of the Chairman of the Pourlehava, or wilfully or negligently injures or damage: it.

(d) if the owner or occupier of the holdin wilfully or negligenty permits waste 0 Water in such volume as will. in the opinion of the Chairman, endanger the water supply in the neighbourhood.

(e) If the owner or Occupier of the holding refuses or neglects to,pay any of the fees or charges imposd in accordance with these bye-laws for a space of fourteen days after he has been served with a notice of demand for the mate.

(I) If the owner or occupier of the holding constructs or fixed any cistern, tanks, reservoir, taps, pipes or any other works in connection with the water supply not authorised by these byeolaws.

(g) If the pipes, ta 5, ball-cock, cistern or any other parts 0 connetion are in alealting condition or in a state of disrepair.

(It) If the owner or occupier fails to observe any of the condition made in these bye- laws:

Provided that such disconnection or turning off of a water supny shall not relieve any person from any liabilities which he may have incurred under these bye-laws.

In circumstances contemplated in clause 1;) an oficer authorised by the Pourashava in this elf by a general order shall have the power to tum off the supply for a period not exceeding eight hours on his previously recording his reason in writing.

.18. Every tap shell haw: the same time as the pflpc 10 which it is attached and shall be of brass and of the pattern known as “Screw down". Every tap shall be at least three feet abOVe the surface or the ground beneath.

19. No cistern,tank or reservoir of any descripo tion which is intended to he sup lied with water from Pourashava Water Works e all be permitted to any holding except With the sanction of the Pourashava and such sanction shall distinctly specify the dimensions and capacity of the cistern, tank or reservoir allowed. The inlet to every such cistern, tank or reservoir must be controlled by any efficient

1.213. 925

ball-cock so that the discharge thereinto is‘

completely stopped When the cistern, tank or reservoir is full.

20: No connection shall be permitted to any holding unless and until the owner or occupier makes effective provision to the satisfaction of thePoura- shava for draining all waste water away,

2!. Whenever any communication pipe hasto he laid necross a sewer or open drain or in anyplace where, in- the opinion of the Ponrashavn. it.ia liable to injury or contamination such pipe shall be laid through a cast iron pipe of snficient length to afl'ord due protection to the communication

pipe. ' 22. All water rates and dues connected with water connection and consumption shall he recover-

eble as public demand under the Public Demands Recovery Act, 1913.

A. N. M. SHAMSUL ALAM Commissioner.

Printed and Published by Md. Harman Begin. Oficcr on Special Duty. Establishment m m Comm he... Decca.
