Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/4

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1922 THE BANGLADESH GAZE‘I'I'B,IJULY 6, 1972 [Put I 2. He was rmitted to retire from Govornment No.ED(J-ll)/94/72-28G—27th June I972~Mr Syed

service with 0 eat from the 16th Hay 1972. Khadem Ali, formerly Circle Oficcr (Revenue), Debiganj, Dinajpur, has been allowed lean on

No. ED/All-26I/72-353-«27th June l972-Mr K. R. A. Ansnri. Deputy Director, National Security Intelligence, Bangladesh, is allowed lenve, preparatory to retirement. on average pity for six months with effect from the first June I972. and in continuation leave on hnlf-uveruge pay for another six months with efl'cct from the first December 1972. under rule 3(l)(b)(ii) of the Prescribed Leave Rules. 1959.

2. The officer is permitted to'retire from the ser- Vices of GoVernment on the expiry of the leave.

No. ED/All-254/72-354—27th June 197244: Bnhar Ali Sarkar, Additional Superintendent of Police. Dinnjpur, is allowed leave, preparatory to

retirement, on average pay for six months with

cited from the l8th April 1972. under rule 3(l)(b)(m ol‘ the Prescribed Leave Rules, I959.

2. The oflicer is permitted to retire from the ser- vices of Government on the expiry of the leave.

No. ED/All-259/72-360—28th June l972—ln partisl modification of the orders contained in this Division notification No. ED.l-l64/72-633, dated the 4th Morch I972, Mr M.A. Barker, Chairman. First Labour Court, Decca, was allowed earned leave for ninety days on chmge pay with cfl'ect from the 3Ist January 1972 and in continuation leave on half-average pay for another ninety days, under rule [71 of Bangladesh Service Rules, Part I, preparatory to retirement with permission to retire from the services of GoVernment on the expiry of the leave.

No. ED/All-lSG/72-3ol—28th June l972—Mr Altnl' Hossain, Additional District Judge, Khulna, is allowed leave, preparatory to retirement, on average pay for six months with effect from the 9th April 1972 and in continuation leave on half—average pay for another three months under rule 17l(a) of Bangladesh service Rules, Part I. The ofiicer is per- mitted to retire on the. expiry of the leave.

M. M. ZAMAN Secretary.


No. ED/JI-163/72-881—27th June 1972—In modi- fication of the orders issued in this Division notification N0. ED/JI-163/72-684, dated the 19th May 1972, Mr Abdul Wahcd, No. 11, formerly Section Oflicer, Ministry of Works and Urban DechOpment, Government of Bangladesh, has been alloch leaVe, preparatory to retirement, on average pay for six months wi'h efl'cct from the 16th April 1972 to the 15th October 1972 and in continuation leave on half-average pay for six months with effect from the 16th October 1972 to the ISth April 1973, under rule 3(1) b)(ii) and (iii) of the Pros- cribed Leave Rules, 1 59.

2. Mr Abdul Wahed, No. II, is permitted to

rc9t7i§e from service with eflect from the 16th April 1 .

No. ED/JI-l44/72-882—27th June l972—Mr Khondkar Abdul Kader, formerly Section Officer, Ministry of Home Affairs, has been allowed leave, preparatory to retirement, on avera pay for six ‘months with cfi‘ect from the 6th April 1972 to the 5th October 1972, under rule 3(I)(b)(ii) of the Prescribed Loewe Rules, I959.

2. Mr Khondkar Abdul Kader is permitted to from service with efl'ect from the 6th October

average pay. preparatory to retirement, for six months with ell'ect from the 29th February 1972. to the 29th Au ust I972, under rule 3(I)(b)(ii) oi the Prescribed eiivo Rules. I959.

He is permitted to retire from service withdrew

from the 30th August I972 after expiry of the leave.

A.T. M. SAVED HOSSAIN Joint Secretary.


Power I


No. ED,’JI-ll7,/72-888—28th June I972—Mr Shnkir Uddin Aimed, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector. Kishoreganj,is vested with the powers of a Magistrate of the first claw

MUHAMMAD ALI Deputy Secretary.


N0. 217,:‘H.A.Pl(l)——22nd June l972—The services of the following police officers are placed at the disposal of the Prime Minister‘s Secretariat for employment in the Prime Minister's Vigilance and Inspection Bureau:

(1) Mr Aftabuddin Ahmed, Deputy Superin- tendent of Police, Rajshahi.

(2) Mr Aftabuddin Ahmed, Deputy Superman- dent of Police, Motor Vehicles Registration, Dance.

(3) Mr Taibuddin Kali, C.I.,Narayanganj.

(4) Mr Mahtab Hussain Khan, C.I., Muted; nagar, Comilla.

K. A. KHABIR Deputy Secretly.

Immigration Branch Section II


No. 358 (lmn)/lI—27th June 1972—ln pursuance of the provisions of sub-rule (1) of rule 30f the Registration of Foreigners Rules, 1966 audit: super session of all previous notifications on subject it is hereby notified that this Government is pleased to appoint the Director-General, National Security Intelligence, Bangladesh, Decca, as the Regent-alien Oflicer for foreigners for the purposes of said rules for the whole of Bangladesh and declare him 'as: civil authority for the purpose of the Foreignersi Orders, 1951, for Bangladesh within the meaning of clause 2 (b) of the said Order.

NAZBM A. CHOUDHURY Deputy Secretary.