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The Beating of a Golden Branch.


Emperor. (Outside). Prepare the chariot.

(Enter Eunuchs.)

Eunuchs. Attention!

(His Majesty enters to slow music)

Emperor. The “Golden Raven” rises in the east, the “Jade Hare” sets. The shining deep-toned bell is calling me to my daily duties. Great calamities happened to the dynasty of T‘ang, and troubles fell upon it through Yang Kuei Fei. An Lu Shan raised the standard of rebellion in the east while warlike men besieging Ch‘ang An threatened the Imperial power. Poor Yang Yü-Huan fell a victim, and I myself was a prisoner at Hsi Shu. Much I owe to him whom I style Imperial Brother Kuo; bloody battles and constant alarms were his fate for three long weary years. Again and again he smote the rebels, till now at last reigns peace. Rivers are clear, seas are calm, and the winds breathe righteousness.

Eunuchs. Attention!

Emperor. If the Emperor is wise his days are long in the land.