Thomas Bowman, D.D., LL.D., St. Louis, Mo.,
- Methodist Episcopal Bishop.
- Editor Springfield, Mass., "Republican."
James Ware Bradbury, LL.D., Augusta, Maine,
- Former U. S. Senator.
Mary A. Brinkman, M.D.,
- Professor at New York Medical College for Women.
Edward Brooks, A.M., Ph.D., Philadelphia, Pa.,
- Author and Educator.
J. Willard Brown, A.M., East Boston, Mass.,
- Author and Educator.
William Jennings Bryan, Lincoln. Neb.,
- Journalist and Statesman.
Wentworth S. Butler,
- Librarian Emeritus New York Society Library.
Franklin Carter, Ph.D., LL.D.,
- President Williams College
Leonard Dwight Carver, Augusta, Maine,
- Librarian Maine State Library.
Mary Sophia Case, A.B.,
- Professor at Wellesley College.
Alexander F. Chamberlain, A.M., Ph. D.,
- Lecturer at Clark University, Atlanta, Ga.
Mellen Chamberlain, Somerville, Mass.,
- Former Librarian Boston Public Library.
William E. Chandler, A.M., Concord, N. H.,
- Former U. S. Senator.
Lucius Eugene Chittenden,
- Lawyer and Author.
Alonzo Howard Clark, Washington, D. C.,
- Curator of the American Historical Association.
Nathaniel George Clark, D.D., LL.D.,
- Late Secretary A. B. C. of F. Missions.
Walter Clark, LL.D.,
- Associate Justice N. C. Supreme Court.
Robert Collyer, D.D., New York City,
- Author and Clergyman.
Le Baron Bradford Colt, A. M., Boston, Mass.,
- U.S. Circuit Judge.
Orello Cone, D.D., Akron, Ohio,
- Former President of Buchtel College.
Katherine E Conway, Boston, Mass.
- Author and Journalist.
Joshua Flood Cook, Ph.D., LL.D.,
- Former President of La Grange, Mo., College.
William A Courtenay,
- Former Mayor Charleston, S. C.
Oliver Crane, M.D., D.D., LL.D., Waverly, N J.,
- Clergyman and Author.
Earl Cranston, A.M., D.D., Portland, Ore.,
- Methodist Episcopal Bishop.
Joshua E Crane, Taunton, Mass.,
- librarian, Public Library.
John Franklin Crowell, Litt.D., Durham, N.C.,
- Former President Trinity College.
Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry, S.T.D., LL.D.,
- President Board of Trustees Richmond, Va. College.
Elizabeth B. Custer, New York.
- Author.
Theodore Ledyard Cuyler, D.D., Brooklyn, N.Y.,
- Clergyman and Author.
William H. Dana, F.C.M.,
- President Musical Institute. Warren, O.
James Wood Davidson, Figulus, Fla.,
- Author and Journalist.
John Woodbridge Davis, C.E., Ph. D., New York City.
- Educator and Author.
Eugene Lemoine Didier, Baltimore, Md.,
- Author and Journalist.
William Croswell Doane, D.D., LL.D.,
- P. E. Bishop of Albany.
- Former President Yale University.
Charles William Eliot, President Harvard University.
James Harris Fairchild, A.M., LL.D.,
- Former President of Oberlin College.
Thomas Fell, Ph.D., LL.D.,
- President St. John's College, Annapolis, Md.
Austin Flint, M.D., New York City,
- Author.
Thomas Frank Gailor, M.A., S.T.D.,
- Coadjutor Bishop of Tennessee.
Charles Wesley Gallagher, D.D.,
- Former President of Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis.
George A. Gates, D.D.,
- President of Iowa College.
Arthur Gilman, M.A., Cambridge, Mass.,
- Author and Editor.
Robert Grant, Ph.D., Boston, Mass.,
- Lawyer and Author.
Samuel Abbott Green, A.M., M.D.,
- Librarian Massachusetts Historical Society.
Samuel Swett Green, A.M., Worcester, Mass.,
- Historial Writer and Librarian.
John Milton Gregory, LL.D.,
- Educator, Author, and Editor.
William Elliot Griffis, A.M., D.D., Ithaca, N. Y.,
- Clergyman and Author.
Reuben Aldridge Guild, LL.D.,
- Author and Librarian Emeritus Brown University.
Arthur Twining Hadley, President of Yale University.
Charles Sumner Hamlin, A.M., Boston, Mass.,
- Former Assistant Secretary of the U. S. Treasury.
John Hayes, Somerville, Mass.,
- Librarian.
Scott F. Hershey, D.D., Ph.D., Boston, Mass.,
- Clergyman and Biographical Writer.
Walter James Hoffman, M.D., Washington, D.C.,
- Ethnologist.
George Elliott Howard, A.M., Ph.D.,
- Professor of History, Leland Stanford, Junior, University.
Julia Ward Howe, Boston, Mass.,
- Author.
Lyman Underwood Humphrey,
- Former Governor of Kansas.
Edmund Janes James, Ph.D., Philadelphia, Pa.,
- President of the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching.
Jabez Robert Jaques, M.A., Ph.D.,
- Vice-President Hedding College, Abingdon, Ill.