Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 02.djvu/15

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Vol. I

John Adams
John Quincy Adams
John A. Andrew
Chester A. Arthur
Phillips Brooks

Vol. II

James Buchanan
John C. Calhoun
Andrew Carnegie
Henry Clay
Grover Cleveland

Vol. III

Charles A. Dana
Jefferson Davis
George Dewey
Thomas A. Edison

Vol. IV

David G. Farragut
Millard Fillmore

Benjamin Franklin
Melville W. Fuller
James A. Garfield
James, Cardinal Gibbons
Ulysses S. Grant

Vol. V

Marcus Hanna
William R. Harper
Benjamin Harrison
William Henry Harrison
Nathaniel Hawthorne
John Hay
Rutherford B. Hayes
Washington Irving

Vol. VI

Andrew Jackson
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Johnson
Robert Edward Lee
Abraham Lincoln

Vol. VII

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
William McKinley
James Madison
James Monroe
Samuel Finley Breese Morse


Oliver Hazard Perry
Franklin Pierce
James Knox Polk

Vol. IX

Theodore Roosevelt
Elihu Root
William T. Sherman

Vol. X

Zachary Taylor
John Tyler
Martin Van Buren
George Washington
Daniel Webster