Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 03.djvu/337

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DRUMGOOLE, John C, clergyman, was born in County Longford, Ireland, in 1828. He came with his parents to America in 1836 and attended St. John's college, Fordham, N.Y., 1838-40. He was obliged to leave college to support the family and became sexton of St. Mary's church. He de- termined to consecrate his life to the amelioration of the temporal and spiritual condition of the poor, and as soon as able resumed his studies at the Col- lege of St. Francis Xavier, pursuing his theological course at the Seminary of our Lady of Angels, Niagara Falls, N.Y. He Avas ordained a priest May 34, 1865, and was made evirate of St. Mary's church. He was at his own solicitation made director of St. Vincent de Paul's newsboys' lodging house in Warren street in 1871, and in 1881, the mission having grown into such proportions as to demand a new building, he erected a fire-proof building on four city lots on Lafayette Place and Great Jones street. New York city, at a cost of $3,400,000, afterward known as Mission of the Im- maculate Virgin, and St. Joseph's union. In 1883, needing more room, he purchased 600 acres on Princes bay, Staten Island, and named it Mount Loretto Farm, where he provided for housing about 700 children. Most of the money, upwards of §700,000, was obtained through subscriptions to Father Drumgoole's paper. The Homeless Child and Messenger vf St. Joseph's Union. In both institu- tions are j^rovisions to give homes, food and instrviction to 1500 children. When buildings and their equipments were completed there was not a dollar of debt on the institution. After the death of Father Drumgoole, a statue in bronze, heroic size, was erected to his memoi;y on the corner of the streets at the angle of the asylum walls. It represented the founder giving encour- agement and help to a street waif. He died in New York city, March 28, 1888.

DRUMMOND, Thomas, jurist, was born in Bristol Mills, Maine, Oct. 16, 1809; son of the Hon. James and Jane (Little) Drummond. He was graduated from Bowdoin college in 1830. He was admitted to the bar in 1833. practising in Philadelphia, Pa. , 1833-35. He then removed to Galena, 111., and in 1839 was married to Delia, daughter of John P. Sheldon of Willow Springs, Wis. He was a representative in the Illinois legislature, 1840-41; U.S. district judge, 1850-69; removed to Chicago, 111. , in 1854, and was judge of the 7th circuit, 1869-84. He lived in Galena, 1835-54; Chicago, 1854-84; Winfield, 1884-88, and Wheaton, 1888-90. He died in Wheaton, 111., May 15, 1890.

DRURY, John Benjamin, clergyman, was born in Rhinebeck, N.Y., Aug. 15, 1838; son of Alfred and Maria A. (Schultz) Drury. The Drurys came from London, England. John Benjamin Drury received his preparatory education at the Rhine-

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beck academy and was graduated at Rutgers col- lege in 1858 and at the theological seminary of the Reformed (Dutcli) church, New Brunswick, N.J., in 1861. He .served the Reformed church, Daven- port, Iowa, 1861-63. the First Reformed church, Ghent, N. Y., 1864-87, and became editor of the Ohristian Intelligen- cer in 1887. He was president of the Par- ticular synod of Al- bany in 1881, presi- dent of the General synod of the Re- formed church in 1886, a member of the board of superinten- dents of the theoloi;:- ical seminary, Ne\\ Brunswick, N. J.. 1874-76, 1883-85, and fi-om 1893 ; a trustee of Rutgers college from 1887 and Vedder lecturer in 1883. He was a member and lecturer of the American institute of Christian philosophy from 1883 ; member of the executive committee of the American section of the Alliance of Re- formed churches holding the Presbyterian sys- tem from 1887 ; member of the American society of church history from 1888, and of the Aldine club from 1893. He was married Sept. 2, 1869, to Henrietta Wynkoop, daughter of John M. Keese of Rhinebeek, N.Y. Rutgers conferred upon him the degree of D.D. in 1880. He published Truths and Untruths of Evolution (1884) ; His- torical Sketch of First Church, Ghent, N.Y, (1876) ; History of Reformed {Dutch} Church, Rhineheck, N. Y. (1881) ; and numerous contri- butions to current periodical literature.

DRYDEN, John Fairfield, insurance presi- dent, was born in Farniington, Me., Aug. 7, 1839 ; son of John and Elizabeth B. Dryden. He en- tered Yale college in 1861, and in 1875 establi.shed the Prudential Insurance Company of America, serving as its secretary until 1881, when he be- came its president. He was a presidential elector (Republican) from New Jer-sey in 1876 and 1900. and was elected U. S. senator in 1902, for the term expiring in 1907.

DRYSDALE, William, author, was born in Lancaster, Pa., July 11, 1852; son of the Rev. Walter Scott and Mary Catherine Drysdale. He was educated under the direction of his father and at the Columbia law school. He engaged in newspaper work on the staff of the New York Sun. 1874; was city editor of the Philadelphia Times. 1875-76 ; returned to New York city in 1877. where he was engaged on the editorial staff of the New York Times, and as foreign correspondent, 1877-99.