Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 03.djvu/72

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A<liiiiralS. P. Le«' Ho coimnandotl anexpeilition up tlu" York river t«» c-iK>i)i'rate witl> the ;ir;iiy at Wlute Hoiise. Va. ^^■llilo in cominaiul ul ili<> 8t«>aiiu'r Floriihi in 1H(>;5, he destroyed two V)1(mI<- ade niniuTs "undertaking to make Wilmington. K.L'. With tl>e h'riishnir Stale he captured tivc bliK'kade runners in 1864 besides causing others to disdiarge their cargoes at sea in order to es- ciiix\ Ho conunandeil the Metaconut on blockade duty ofT (Jalveston. Texas, 18G4-G."), and with this vessel aided in the attack on the city of Mobile in ISCm. He first planned and tlirected the use of nets in removing out' hundred and forty torpedoes that preventeil the passage of the fleet to the city and had already tlestroyed two ironclads. For this service he received the special commenda- tion of Rear- Admiral Thatcher. He commanded the Sfiamnkin at the South Atlantic .station, 1S(J.")- 68. He was promoted captain, May 27, 18(58; was insiMictor of ordnance, Norfolk navy yard, 1869- 70; executive officer. Philadelpliia navy yard. lS71-7'2; commanded the Foi'-liatan, 1872-73, and was acting commandant of the Washington navy- yard until Oct. 3, 1874, when he received his commission as commodore. lie commanded the League Island navy yard, 1877-81. He received his commission of rear-admiral March 18, 1882; Ojnuuanded the South Atlantic .station in 1882, anil was afterward transferred to the command of the Asiatic station. In October, 1883, lie was placed on the retired list by his own request, an<l ordered home, having been in active .service over forty-eight years. He died in Washington, D.C. June Ij. 1899.

CROSBY, Stephen Moody, financier, was Ix.rn in Salisbury, Mass . Aug. 14, 1827; son of Ju ige Natiian and Rebecca Marquand (Moody) Crosby. He prepared for college at the Boston Latin school and the Lowell high school and was graduated at Dartmouth in 1849. He engaged in in Boston, Mass., entered the army as paymaster, .serving 1862-66, and was brevetted lieutenant-colonel of volunteers for meritorious services. He was a state representative in 1869, and .senator, 1870-71; state director of the Boston and Albany railroad. 1871-72; commissioner of the HcK)sac tunnel, 1874-7."), an<l was treasurer of the Ma.ssachusetts loan and trust company, 1870- 83. and jjresident of the corp<jration from 1883. He gave much attention to art education, being a di.s<"riminating collector and patron. He was elected a memlKjr of the Boston art club, and its pre>,i.l.'nt in 1n(mi.

CROSBY, Thomas Russell, educator, was Vjm in (Jilmanton, N.H., Oct. 22, ISIO; .son of Dr. and Abigail (Ru.ssell) Crosby and brother of Drs. Dixi and Josiah, Judge Nathan, and Prof. Aljjheus Crosby. He was graduated at Dartmoutii. A.B. and M.D. in 1841 and A.M. in

1843. He practised his profession and was pro- fessor of physics and natural history in the Nor- wicli (Vt.) university, 18."j4-64; profes.sor of militaiy surgery and hygiene in the National medical college, 1866-70, and professor of animal and vegetable physiology in the New Hampshire college of agriculture, 1870-72. In 1861 he vol- unteered as surgeon in the New Hampshire vol- unteers and was promoted major, being in cliarge of the (Jolumbian college hospital, Wasii- itigton. D.('.. ISei-Oo. He died at Hanover, Nil.. March 1. 1872.

CROSBY, William George, governor of Maine, was born in Belfast, Maine, Sept. 10, 1805. He was graduated at Bowdoin in 1823, was ad- mitted to the bar, and practised his profession in his native town. He was elected governor of Maine as a Whig in 1853 and 1854, and actively jiroinoted the ])ublic school system of the state. He resumed the practice of law and during the civil war was an earnest Union man. After the accession of Andrew Johnson to the presidency he supported his administration. He was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for represen- tative in the 40th congress. Bowdoin gave hinv the degree of A.M. in 1828 and that of D.D. in 1870. His literary works include a small volume of poems published while in college, and I'octical JJInstrntio)!.-: i)f the Athcna-um (jallcry. He died in Belfast, Maine, :\rarcli 21, 1881.

CROSBY, William Otis, geologist, was born in Decatur. Ohio, Jan. 14, 1850; son of Francis William and Hannah Everett (Ballard) Crosby ; grandson of Henry Sibley and Sarah Ann (Capron) Crosby, and of Frederick and Achsali (Everett) Ballard, and a descendant of Simon Crosby, who came from Lancashire, England, and settled in Cambridge, Mass., in 1635. He was graduated at the Massachusetts institute of technology in 1876, remaining at the institute as assistant instructor, 1876-80; as full instructor 1880-83, as assistant professor of mineralogy and lithology, 1883-93, and as assistant professor of structural and economic geology, from 1893. His travels for inve.stigatioii included the United States, Canada and the West Indies, and his pub- lished papers, eighty in number, include memoirs of the geology of the various places visited. He was elected to membership in various scientific societies, lectured before the Lowell institute, and was assistant in the Boston museum of natural history from 1875. He is the author of Contrihutinns to the (feolof/y of Eastern Jilassachu- setts (1880); Common Minerals and Hocks (1881, new edition, 1880);<';HWe to Mineralofpj (1886); Fables for the Determination of Common Minerals (1887) ; Gtiide to Dynamical Geology and Petrog- raphy (1892) ; Geology of the Boston Basin (parts 1 and 2, 1893-94); Notes on Chemical Geologf