Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/148

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general state militia, 1783-1804; a member of the council of appointment, 1787, and again in 1789; representative in the 1st U.S. congress, 1789-91 ; a presiilential elector, 1792, 1800 and 1804, and a member of the state constitutional convention of 1801. He removed in 1804 to the head- waters of the Mohawk river and cleared a farm from the wilder- ness, the section forming a part of Oneida county. N.Y. He was despoiled of liis personal property and his tamilj' exiled, during the period of the war of the Revo- lution, and he did not recover his farm until 1783. His first wife was Hannah Jones of Southampton, who died in 1781, and his second, Joanna Strong of Setauket. He died in Weston, N.Y., Aug. 4, 1821.

FLUSSER, Charles W., naval officer, was born in Annapolis, Md., in 1833. He removed to Kentucky with liis parents dui-ing his infancy iind on July 19, 1847, he entered the U.S. navy

is a midshipman and was assigned to the frigate

Cniahrrlnnd. He was promoted lieutenant, Sept. Ifi, 18.">.), and was a.ssistaut professor in the U.S. naval academy at Annapolis in 18.57. He served on the brig Dnlphin, 18.59-CO, and at the outbreak of the civil war lie refused the offer of a higli command in the Confederate service : applied for active duty, and was given command of the gunboat Commodore Pcnij, j)articipating in the attack under Flag-Officer Goldsborough, that preceded the battle of Roanoke Island, Feb. 7, 1863. He commanded the Perry during the sheU- jng of Franklin, Va. , October, 1863, and against Fort Macon and South Mills, N. C. He was in com- mand of the naval forces, operating with the army under General Wessells in the defence of Plymouth and of Forts Gray, WiUiams and Wes- sells, N.C., in April, 1864, and commanded the gunboat Miami in the engagement with the ironclad AlhemarJc, on Roanoke river, during which engagement he was killed, April 18, 1864. FLYNN, Dennis T., delegate, was born in Phiienixville, Pa., Feb. 13, 1862; son of Dennis and Margaret Flynn. He was taken to Buffalo, N.Y., in 1864, and resided there until 1880, when he removed to Riverside, Iowa. He was admitted to the bar in 1880 and in the same year estab- lished the Riverside Leader. In 1881 he removed to Kiowa, Kan., and founded the Kiowa Herald. He held various mvmicipal offices and practised his profession there until 1889, when he removed

to Guthrie, Oklahoma Territory, where he was appointed postmaster and elected a delegate to the 53(1 and 54th congresses, 1893-97, and to the 56th congress, 1899-1901.

FOERSTER, Adolph Martin, composer, was born at Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 2, 1854; son of Emil and Elise (Noll) Foerster, and grandson of Mar- tin Foerster, M.D., of Pittsbiu-g, Pa. His father was a well-known painter of portraits and land- scapes. Adolph's early musical instruction was received from liis mother and from Jean Manns of Pittsburg. He .studied at the Leipzig conser- vatory of music, 1873-75, and on returning to America taught music for a year at the Fort Wayne, Ind., conservatory of music, and after that time in his native city. He became espe- cially prominent as a composer, his productions including orchestral and chamber music, as well as works for solo instruments and the voice. His orchestral compositions wei'e repeatedly jilayed by the orchestras of Theodore Thomas, Anton Seidl and Walter Danirosch. Among his more important orchestral works are: March- Fantasie ; Thnsnolda; The Falconer, Suite JVo. 1; Festival March ; Dedication March, written for the inaugu- ration of Carnegie music hall, Walter Damrosch, conductor; Prelude to Goethe's Faust, prize com- position of the Pittsburg art society; Suite Xo. 2 ; two dramatic arias for soprano and orchestra : Love Song and Hero and Leander; and Sigrid, a symphonic poem. His other compositions include a Trio, opus 29 ; First piano quartet, opus 21 ; and Tiuo Concert Etudes, opus 37; Suite, opus 46, for the piano ; Four Songs, opus 39 ; Among Floteers, opus 38 (11 songs) ; and many otiiers.

FOQQ, George Gilman, senator, was born in Meredith, NIL, May 20, 1813; son of David and Hannah Oilman (Vickery) Fogg. He gained a college education by teaciiing at various schools and academies and was graduated at Dartmouth in 1839. He studied law at home and at the Harvard law school and practised at Gilmanton. He was a representative in the state legislatui-e, 1846 ; secretary of state, 1846^7 ; delegate to the Free Soil convention of 1848, the Pittsburg con- vention of 1852, the Republican conventions of 1856 and 1860, and the Loyalist convention of 1866. He was secretary of the Republican na- tional committee, 1856-64; edited the Indepen- dent Democrat, 18.54-61 and 186.5-71; was U.S. minister to Switzerland, 1861-65; U.S. senator, 1866-67, in place of Daniel Clark, resigned; and delegate to the Loyalists' convention at Pliiladelphia, Pa., 1866. He was an active mem- ber of the New Hampshire historical society and a fellow of Bates college, 1875-81. He received from Bates the honorary degree of LL.D. in 1874, and gave to that institution §15,000. He died at Concord, N.H., Oct. 5, 1881.