Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/165

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as an Employer and Impurtcr uf Labor (1889) ; 'llic United States and Spain in 1790 (1890); General Heath's Orderly Book (1890); Washington Wills (1891) : Letters of William Lee (3 vols., 1891) ; Cor- respondence and Journals of Samuel B. Webb (3 vols. , 1892) ; British Officers Servin(j in America, 1734-1774 (1894) ; Some Lettersof Elhridije Gerry, 17S4-1S04 (189G); and also contributed fre- quently to current periodicals.

FOREST, John Anthony, R.C. bishop, was born at St. Martin's, St. Germain, France, Dec. 2.). 1838. He was educated for the priesthood in France and was advanced to the diacouate when he emigrated to America, taking up his work in the diocese of Galveston, Texas, imder Bishop Dubois in 1863. He was stationed at St. Mary's settlement, Lavaca county, and was afterward transferred to Sacred Heart, Hallettsyille, the parent church, of which St. Mary's was a mis- sion. On the death of Bishop Neraz, Nov. 18, 1894, the diocese of San Antonio, established in 1874. was without a bishop, and Father Forest was elected to the vacancy. He was conse- crated at San Antonio, Oct. 28, 189.5, by Arc-li- bishop Janssens of New Orleans, and his residence of over thirty years in the diocese gave him a thorough knowledge of its needs and possi- bilities. His administration was marked by many reforms. In 1899 his diocese had sixty- eight priests, seveiity-three churches, eighty .stations, five seminaries, four colleges, seven academies, four commimities of men and seven of women, twenty -eight parochial schools, three orphan asylums, three hospitals and one home for aged poor, and a Catholic population of about 70.000.

FORMAN, William S., representative, was born in Natchez, Miss., Jan. 20, 1847; son of Wil- liam B. and Mary C. Forman; and grandson of Hamilton Forman of Kentuckj". In 18.51 he re- moved with his father to Washington comity, lU. He was admitted to the bar in 1871, was a member of the state senate during the 34th and 3.5th general assemblies, 188.5-89, and represented the 18th Illinois district in the .list, 52d and 53d congresses, 1889-9.5. He was United States com- missioner of internal revenue from Nov. 20, 1896, to Jan. 1, 1898.

FORMENTO, Felix, physician and surgeon, was born in New Orleans, La., March 16, 1837; son of Dr. Felix and Palmyra (Lauve) Formento; and grandson of George Formento and of Capt. Edward Lauve. He was educated at Jefferson college, La., and was graduated from the Royal university of Turin, Italy, in sciences and letters m 18.57, and ni medicine in 18.58. He took a post- graduate course m medicine in Paris, 1858-.50. He was a surgeon in the Franco-Sardinian army, 1859, and chief surgeon in the Lonisiana (Confed-

erate) hospital at Richmond, Va., 1861-65. He was a member and in 1893 president of the American public health association, and was also elected a member of many American and foreign societies. He was honorary president of the fourth international congress of Iiygiene and demograjihy, Geneva, 1882, and secretary of the section of hygiene at the international medical congress at Washington, in 1887. He was a member of the Louisiana state board of health, 1880-84, and 1890-97, and president of the con- ference of state and provincial boards of health of North America, 1899. He was made an officer of the Order of Sts. Mauritius and Lazarus. He is the author of: Xotes and Obsemitions on Army Sunjery ; Cremation ; School Ilyyiene ; Alcoholics ; Yelloio Fever and many other subjects.

FORNEY, Daniel Ni., rei^resentative, was born in Lincoln county, N.C., in M.iy, 1784; son of the Hon. Peter Forney, soldier in the American Rev- olutionary war and representative in the 13th congress. Daniel was a major in the army in the war of 1812; and a representative from North Carolina in the 14th and 1.5th congresses, resigning his seat in 1818. President Monroe appointed him a commissioner to treat with the Creek Indians in 1820 and he served as a state senator, 1823-26. In 1834 he removed to Loundes county, Ala., where he died in October, 1847.

FORNEY, John Weiss, journalist, was born in Lancaster. Pa., Sept. 30. 1817; the only son of Jacob and Margaret (Weiss) Forney; and mater- nal grandson of John Weiss of Lancaster, Pa. He was educated in the schools of Lancaster, became a shop-boy in his native town and when eighteen years old entered the office of the Lancaster Journal as an appren tice. In 1837 he be came editor and joint owner of the Lan caster Intelligencer and in 1840 he pur chased the Journal and published the In- telligencer and Jotirnal, advocating Demo cratic principles. He was made deputy sui veyor of the port of Philadelphia by Pres- ident Polk in 1845, and removed to that city, selling out his paper and purchasing a half interest in the Pennsylranian, the leading organ of the Dem- ocratic party in the state. His connection with this paper existed till 1853. He was clerk of the VS. liouse of representatives during the 32d, 33d