Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/173

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comptroller of the U.S. treasviry in March, 1841, and he held the position till advanced to the cabinet of President T\ ler as secretary of the treasury, remaining in the cabinet until the close of the administration. By appointment of Pres- ident Taylor he was charr/e d'affaires to Denmark, 18-19-51, returning home to accept the office of president-judge of the di-strict court of Allegheny county, Pa. His wife was Henrietta Barclay of Pittsburg, Pa. He died suddenly at Pittsburg, Pa.. Xov. 24. 18.-)2.

FORWOOD, William Stump, physician, was born on Deer Creek, near Darlington, Harford county, Md., Jan. 37, 1830; son of Samuel and Rachel Cooper (Stump) Forwood; grandson of John and Hannah Forwood and of William and Duckett Stump, and a descendant of Willia:u Forwood who settled in Delaware previous to 1693. He attended two academies in Alabama and was graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1854 and from Dr. Joseph Warrington's obstetric institute, Philadelphia, Pa., in 1855. He established him- self in Darlington, Md., for the practice of his profession, removed to Philadelphia in 1869, then to Gosport, Ala., and returned to Darlington in 1873. He organized the Harford county, Md., medical society in 1866, and was its president and for many years its secretary. He assisted in organizing the Clarke countj-, Ala., medical society in 1872 and was its first president. He was a member of the Pennsylvania and Maryland union medical association from the second year of its organization, 1879; a member of the Ala- bama state medical association, and a delegate for many years to the American medical associa- tion. He was one of the organizers and the first president of the Harford historical society of Harford coimty, Md., and coiTesponding member of the Maryland historical society. He was married, June 16, 1857, to Pamela, daughter of Dr. Joshua Wilson. She died in March, 1860, and he was again married, May 6, 1861, to Ade- line, daughter of Thomas W. Bond of Frankfort, Ky. In the years 1867 and 1870 he explored the Mammoth cave in Kentucky, and published An Historical and Descriptive Narrative of the 3[ammoth Cave of Keiitucl-y (1870, 4th ed., 1875). He died at Darlington, Md.. Jan. 2, 1893.

FOSS, Claus William, educator, was born at Geneva, Kane county. 111.. Aug. 38, 1855; son of Charles John and Cliarlotte Christine (Erickson) Foss. He was prepared for college at the Red Wing, Minn., collegiate institute, and was grad- uated at AugiLstana college. Rock Island, 111., in 1883. In 1884 he was elected to the chair of his- tory and political science in Augustana college, and in 1888 became vice-president of the institu- tion. In 1889 he received the degree of A.M. He


was elected a member of the American institute of civics and of the American academy of polit- ical and social science. He is the author of con- tributions to various magazines and periodicals, and became associate editor of Jlie Lutheran, Philadelphia.

FOSS, Cyrus David, M.E. bishop, was born in Kingston, N.Y.. Jan. 17, 1834; son of the Rev. Cyrus and Jane (Campbell) Foss; and grandson of David and Susan (Sargent) Foss and of Archi- bald and Elizabeth (Mitchell) Campbell. He was graduated from Wesleyan university, Conn., in 1854, taught mathe- matics in Amenia seminary, N.Y., 1854- 55, and was principal of the institution in 1856. In 1857 he joined the New York conference of the M.E. church and was stationed at Chester, N.Y., 1857-58. In 1859 he was trans- ferred to the New York East confer- ence, and back to the New Y'ork con- ference in 1865, and for sixteen years, until 1875, held important pas- torates in Brooklyn and New York city. He was president of Wesleyan university, 1875-80, and on May 12, 1880, he was elected a bishop of the M.E. church. He was a delegate to the general conferences of 1872, 1876 and 1880, and was fra- ternal delegate from his church to the M.E. church South and to the British Wesleyan con- ference. He was elected honorarj' corresponding secretary of the Evangelical alliance for the United States in 1874, trustee of Wesleyan university in 1876, and was orator at the semi- centennial of the university in 1881. He trav- elled extensively in the United States and visited the foi'eign missions of the M.E. church in Europe, Mexico and India, and in connection with his official visitation in India, he made in 1897-98 the circuit of the glol)e. The degree of D.D. was conferred upon \\\m by Wesleyan in 1870, and that of LL.D. by Cornell college, Iowa, in 1879, and by the University of Pennsylvania in 1889. He is the author of frequent contribu- tions to periodicals and of several published ser- mons.

FOSS, George Edmund, representative, was born in Berkshire Vt . July 2, 1863; son of George E. and Marcia (Noble) Foss He was graduated from Harvard in 1885, and entered the Columbia law school and the School of political science in New York city. He was graduated from the