Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/351

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America (lS29-3o aud 1S(J7) ; Family 'I'ourisl (184y) ; Family Habbath-Day Miscellany, (reography uf the Chief I'laces Mentioned in the Bible, Greek Gram- mar, Child's History of the United States, ;ind Jiible History of Prayer (1855); Great Events of American History; Outlines of Geoijraphy ; Unicersal Traveller. He died in Hartford. Conn., Jan. 4, 1862.

GOODRICH, Chauncey, senator, was born in Durham, Conn., Oct. 20, 1759; son of the Rev. Elizur Goodrich, educator. He was graduated at Yale, A. B., 1776; A.M., 1779; studied law, was tutor in Yale, 1779-81, and was admitted to the bar in 1781. He attained prominence as a lawyer; represented Hartford in the state legislature, 1793; was a representative in the 4tli, 5th aud 6th congresses, 1795-1801 ; a member of Governor Trumbull's council, 1802-07; U.S. senator, 1807- 13, and lieutenant-governor of Connecticut, 1813- 15. He also served as mayor of Hartford, and as a delegate to the Hartford convention of 1814. He was married to Mary Ann, daughter of Oliver Wolcott, signer of the Declaration of Independ- ence. He ilied in Hartford. Conn., Aug. 18, 1815.

GOODRICH, Chauncey Allen, lexicographer, was born in New Haven, Conn., Oct. 23, 1790; son of Elizur Goodrich, LL.D., representative In congi-ess. He was graduated at Yale, A.B., 1810; A.M., 1813, and was tutor there, 1812-14. He studied theology, was ordained in 1816, and set- tled as pastor of the Congregational church, Mid- dletown. Conn., 1816-17. He was professor of rhetoric and English literature in Yale college, 1817-39, declined the presidency of Williams col- lege, to which he was elected in 1820, and was professor of the pastoral charge at Yale divinity school, 1839-60. He was a complimentary and honorary member of many learned societies, a liberal benefactor of the Yale divinity school, established the Christian Quarterly Spectator in 1829, and was its editor, 1829-38. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from Brown univer- sity in 1835. He was married to a daughter of Noali Webster, the pliilologist, and in 1828 he com- menced the abridgment of Webster's " Amer- ican Dictionary " in which work he was aided by Benjamin Silliman, Denisou Olmsted and others, and it was issued in 1847. He also prepared the " Universal " edition issued in 1850 and the sup- plement in 1859. At the time of his death he ■was engaged on a thorough revision of the dic- tionary, which was completed by Noali Porter in 1864. He was one of the " committee on ver- sions " for the American Bible society and en- gaged in preparing a new edition of the Bible with English text. He published a Greek gram- mar (1814); British Eloquence (1831); Greek and Latin Lessons (1832) ; and a revised edition of his second book as Select British Eloquence (1852). He died in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 25, 1860.

GOODRICH, Elizur, educator, was born in Wetherslield, Conn., Oct. 26, 1734. He was grad- uated au Yale, A.B., 1752; A.M., 1755; was tutor at Yale, 1755-56; was ordained in 1756, served as minister in the Congregational church, Durham, Coun., 1756-07, and conducted at his home a pre- paratory scliool for young men, 1766-86. He was a frequent delegate to conventions and synods in New York and Philadelphia, where he repre- sented the general association of Connecticut. He was an astronomer and mathematician of superior ability and calculated the eclipses of each successive year during his lifetime. He wa.'i defeated as a candidate for governor of Connecti- cut, and in 1777 for president of Yale college by a few votes. He was a fellow of Yale, 1776-97; was a member of the prudential committee, 1778— 97, and secretary of the corporation. 1777-88. He received from the College of New Jersey the hon- orar}- degree of D.D. in 1783. He published an account of the aurora borealis of 1780, and a number of sermons and addresses. He died in Norfolk, Conn., Nov. 22, 1797.

GOODRICH, Elizur, representative, was born in Durham, Conn., Marcli 24, 1761; son of the Rev. Elizur Goodrich, fellow of Yale college. He was graduated at Yale A.B., 1779; A.M., 1783 He studied law ; was a tutor in Yale, 1781-83 ; lawyer in New Haven, Conn., 1783-99; presiden- tial elector in 1797. and a representative in the 6th congress, 1799-1801. He was collector of cus- toms by aiipointment of President John Adams, 1801, but was removed by Pi-esident Jefferson the same year and this action was the occasion for Jefferson to announce his approval of the spoils system which he denominated " removal for political opinion." He was probate judge for seventeen years, judge of the county court twelve years, professor of law in Yale college from the foundation of the chair in 1801 to 1810; mayor of New Haven, 1803-22; secretary of the corporation of Yale college, 1816-46, and received from that institution the degree of LL.D. in 1830. He died in New Haven. Conn., Nov. 1, 1849.

GOODRICH, Frank Boott, author, was born in Hartford, Conn., Dec. 14, 1826; son of Samuel Griswold Goodrich. He was graduated from Harvard in 1845 and during a residence in Paris with his father he corresponded for the Xeic York Times, under the name "Dick Tinto. ' ' These letters were afterward collected and published in " Tri-colored Sketches of Paris" (1854). On his return to New York city he became interested in dramatic matters and was associated with Dion Boucicault, William Stuart and Frank Warden in writing several plaj's. He is also the author of: Court of Napoleon (1857); History of Maritime Adventure, Exploration and Discorery (1858); Women of Beauty and Heroism (1859);