Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/420

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published writings include Illustrations of U'csJ Ameriain Oaks (1889-90); Flora Frauciscana (1891-97) and Manual of Botany of ,San Francisco Bay Region (l«9i).

GREENE, Frances H., see McDougal, Frances H. Greene.

GREENE, Francis Vinton, soldier, was born in Provitlenoe. R. I. , June 27, 1850; son of George Sears and Martha (Dana) Greene. He was grad- uated at the U.S. military academy in 1870, first in a class of fifty-eight members, and was as- signed to the 4th regiment, U S. artillery, as 2d lieutenant. He was transferred to the U.S. engineer corps, June 10, 1872, and was assistant astron- omer and surveyor to the international commission for the survey of the north- ern boundary of the United States from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Moun- tains, 1872-76, being promoted 1st lieuten- ant, Jan. 13, 1874. He was military attach^ to the U.S. legation at St. Petersburg, 1877-79, and during that time was for one year with the Russian army in the field in their operations during the Russo-Turkish war, being present in the battles of Plevna, Shipka, Taskossen, Sofia, Philip])opolis, and ar- riving in front of Constantinople with the advance guard under General Skobeleff. He received decorations from the emperor of Russia and from the Prince of Roumania. On returning to America he was assistant engineer on public works in the District of Columbia, 1879-85. He was promoted cajitain in the i-egular army, Jan- uary, 1883; was instructor in practical military engineering at the U.S. militarj- academy, 1885- 86, and resigned his commission in the army, Deo. 31, 1886, to become president of the Barber asphalt paving company. He was appointed major and engineer of the 1st brigade of the National guard of New York on Dec. 18, 1889, and on Jan. 26, 1892, was elected colonel of the 71st regiment, N.G. N.Y. "When the war with Spain broke out in April, 1898, this regiment volun- teered for active service, and under Colonel Greene's command was immediately ordered to Florida and assigned to a brigade of regular in- fantry for the Cuban campaign. Colonel Greene did not accompany the regiment to Cuba, having been appointed brigadier-general on May 29, 1898, and ordered to the Philippines. He com- manded the 2d expedition, numbering 4500 men,

whifli sailed from San Francisco, June 15, and arrived in Jlanila Bay. Jul.y 16. His troops were landed in front of the Spanish trendies and were constantly engaged in action with the Spaniards until the capture of Manila, Aug. 13, 1898. Gen- eral Greene's brigade led the advance on that day, and he was the senior officer on the first commission for arranging the articles of capitu- lation. For distinguished services in the Manila campaign he was promoted to the rank of major- general. He was ordered to special duty in Washington and arrived there September 29, and on completion of this Auty lie was assigned to command the 2d division, 7th army corps, sta- tioned in Florida and afterward in Georgia, and in the temporary absence of General Lee was in command of the 7th army corps. On November 10 he was ordered to Havana to select camp sites for troops and make arrangements for American occupation and government. On the signing of the treaty of peace, December 10, the office of military governor of Havana was offered to him. He was succeeded by Maj.-Gen. William Ludlow in 1898, and returned to the United States and re- signed his commission in 1899. In 1903 Mayor Low appointed him police commissioner of New York City. He wrote The Russian Army and its Campaigns in Turkey in 1S77-7S (2 vols.. 1879); Army Life in Russia (1880); The ilississij^n (1888); General Greene in Great Commanders series (1803), and magazine ai'ticles on military, histniical and scientific subjects.

GREENE, George Sears, soldier, was born in Apponaug, Warwick, R.I., May 6, 1801; son of Caleb and Sarah (Weekes) Greene; grandson of Caleb Greene, and a descendant in the sixth gen- eration from John Greene, deput}--governor of Rhode Island. He was graduated from the U.S. military academy in 1823, second in his „I^^^V^

class, was assigned to // '

service as brevet 2d lieutenant, 1st artil- lery, and was trans- ferred to the 3d artillery. He was promoted 1st lieuten- ant. May 31, 1829; was assigned assistant professor of mathe- matics and engineer- ing at the Slilitary academy and after- ward stationed at va- rious artillery posts. He resigned from the army, Jxme 30, 1836. He then engaged in railroad building and mining, and as engineer of the Croton aqueduct board o- the city of New York. He served in this capa-

