Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 06.djvu/104

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JEWETT, Charles, physician, was born at

Bath, Maine, Sept. 27, 1843; son of George and Sarah (Hale) Jewett and a descendant of Maxim- ilian Jevvett who emigrated from Bradford, Eng- land, in 1639, and settled in Rowley, Mass. The Jewett lineage can be traced to Henri de Juatt, a knight of the first crusade. Charles attended the public schools of Bath, and was graduated from Bowdoin college, A. B. in 1864, A. M. in 1867. He studied medicine in 1867 un- der Dr. Hiram Lath- rop of Cooperstown, N.Y., and attended ^/' '^ ' ' (y yyi— lectures at the Long l^^-^-,./urCfU Island College hos- jjital, the University Medical college, and the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of New York, where he was graduated M.D. in 1871. He practised in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was married in 1868 to Abbie E. Flagg of New Hampshire. He was ap- pointed professor of obstetrics and pediatrics in the Long Island College hospital in 1880, obste- trician to the hospital in 1883, gynecologist in 1899; consulting obstetrician to the Kings County hospital in 1893; surgeon-in-chief to the gyne- cological department of the Brooklyn throat hos- pital in 1893; consulting gynecologist to the Bushwick hospital in 1894; to the Central hos- pital in 1898; professor of obstetrics and gyne- cology at the Long Island College hospital, 1899- 1900; was for many years chief of the depart- ment of diseases of children in St. Mary's hos- pital, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and in 1900 was consultant to St. Christopher's hospital. He was elected a trustee of the Brooklyn Eye and Ear hospital in 1887; a trustee of the Medical Society of the County of Kings, and its president, 1878-80; a member of the Bi'ooklyn Pathological society; of the Brooklyn Gynecological society, and its president in 1898; of the New York Obstetri- cal society, and president in 1894; of the New Y^'ork Academy of Medicine; of the Medical So- ciety of the State of New York; of the American Gynecological society, a member of the council in 1895, and first vice-president in 1900; of the American Academy of Medicine; vice-president of the New York Physicians' Mutvial Aid associa- tion; an honorary member of the British Gyne- cological society; of the Detroit Gynecological society, and honorary president of the obstetrical section of the Pan-American medical congress in 1893. He was elected president of the board of

trustees of Bushwick hospital in 1895. He is the author of Children Nursing; Outlines of Obstet- rics; Essentials of Obstetrics; and editor of Practice of Obstetrics by American authors.

JEWETT, Charles Coffin, librarian, was born at Lebanon, Maine, Aug. 12, 1816; son of the Rev. Paul and Eleanor (Punchard) Jewett. He was graduated from the Salem Latin school, Mass., and entered Dartmouth college, but trans- ferred to Brown university, where he was gradu- ated in 1835. He was principal of an academy at Uxbridge, Mass., 1835-37; and was graduated from Andover Theological seminary in 1840, but was not ordained. He was librarian at Andover, 1837-40; was principal of Day's academy, Wren- tham, Mass., 1840-41; was in charge of the library at Brown university and re-arranged and catalogued the books, 1843-48; and was professor of modern languages at Brown, 1843-48. While holding the cliair at Brown, he spent two years and a half in France, Germany and Italy, studying the language of each country and making pur- chases of English and classical books amounting to seven thousand volumes under the direction of the library committee. Upon his return he was made librarian and assistant secretary at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., serving as such, ^ ^ ^J//

1848-58. He

was superintend-, j ,/, - entof theBostonW^ public library, 1858-68. He per- fected a system of cataloguing by a stereotypic j process, there- 1 by saving both' money and

space. He is the author of: Cluse of the Late Rebellion (1843); Catalogue of the Library of Broion University (1843); Facts and Considerations Relative to Duties on Books (1846); Notices of Public Li- braries in the United States (ISrA); On the Con- struction of Catalogues of Libraries and their Pnblicatio7i by Means of Separate Stereotyxoed Titles (1852); Catalogue of the Boston Public Library. He died at Braintree, Mass. , Jan. 9, 1868.

JEWETT, Edward Hurtt, educator, was born in Nottingham, England, March 31, 1830; son of AVilliam and Elizabeth (Wheatley) Jewett, and grandson of Robert and Katharine (Stanley) Jew- ett. He was graduated from Hobart college, A.B. ,

1855, A.M., 1858, and from the General Theologi- cal Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal chui'ch, New York, in 1856. He was ordained deacon in

1856, and priest in 1857; was missionary at Boon- ville and Forestport, N.Y., 1856-60; rector of

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