Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 06.djvu/289

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pointed him U.S. judge and land oonunisEiODef' in the newly-acqoired territorr. He accepted the office and had proceeded as far as Feat Stoddart, in the Missiasityi Territory, when he was taken ill and died. He was one of the founders of the Society of the CincinnatL He published : Reports of tfte Decisions of the Supe- rior Court and Supreme Court of Errors in Con- neetkut (17S9). He die! at Fort Stoddart, Miss- isiappi Territory., Oct. 2. IS^ii.

KIRBY, Geof^e Franklin, edncatxHr, was born in Spartanburg, S.C., ilay 7, 1S58, son of Au- gustus Elilliard and Mary Elizabeth (Dorant) Kirby. and grandson of John T. and Paisy (Hall ) Kirby. and of John and Elizabeth (S" - rant. His paternal ancestors were of S: descent and his matem^ancestcr' the French settlers of South '1 stadied at the preparatory depan: ford college, and was gradus*-" B. A., 1894, M. A., 1896. Durl: . cations and for a short time : taught schooL Hewasadmi:: North Carolina conference c- i:-- - Episcopal church, south, Dec. ?. 19^' appointed to the Swannona cir " May IT, 1*88, when he was e.c : . ^ Wrraverrille college, Weaverrille, X.C,

KIRBY, Isaac Minor, soldier, was born in Columbus. Ohio, in ISil. He eiili5t.ed. April 20,

1>61, for three months" se:

asd was commisgdoned

volunteer infantry. He

ginia and with Buell in

He was engaged in the I

ing, where for a time .

ment. In May, 18»:-

recruited a oon^y'^-

t-eeis and was

1S«2. He: i- =

was prom " -

part in the t-' -■

command of tbr

of the battle.

kiUed. He ^as

continued :.


was place

diTision. -ill- j,.._. , .^

brigade throughout the

e Union army,
, the 15th Ohio

1 w^estem Vir-

. and in July

-.-;Z Ohio volun-

1 captain, Sept. 1-5,

aziiiy at Louisville, and

Oct. .30, 1962. He took

-■ - s River and was in

ng the greater part

■ - -rior officers being

-!.I>e-. ??.ly52,and

.: until the

-.u. when he

- St brigade, 1st

.?. „r L'lnmanded the

camjiaign and subse-

quently in the retreat of Thomas's army to Xash- viUe and through the battles of F'lanklin and yashville. He led the first assault on the enemy's line of works at NashvUle. and for this action was recommended for promotion and was bre- vett-ed brigadier-general of volunteers. He con- tinued in the Siervice up to the close of the civil war and was mustered out of the volanteer army in June. IS^.

KIRK, Edward N., soldier, was born in Jeffer- son c^/unij. OLio, Feb. 29, 1^'2*. Hi=- t.'--.^-*- were Quakers and he was gradiial*>d wi:. at FrieE'ii" acsid-emy . !:-•;-- 7^" ■ - ■ ^. - 7 i ^ school at Cadiz. OL: Baltimore, Md. bar in 185-3. He

and in 1S->1 remove-i u» bi*ri- - maxried, Oct. '.":. '.'■'■'. t : j'. T. del]rfua. Pi,

eqaippeda. i .. — _. -.-.-

it to Governor Yate= Jig

fir-v^ " -_■

zel of the 3«L

_ig. 15, 1861, and »ras

General ^Nelson. O:.


.._. ^: .. to

eis. He was

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T asBomed . and on


. 1 abiliiy-

-' ■ -.he was

ij., J^'s^. oj. 1N52. he

Fe-ieral army wdth his

ivaljy with great

Z?-- : . cT to Jan. 3,

2d divi-

-6 Army

In this

tiie >:r.-. - -- Dodge. E

KIRK, Edward Norris, clergy

cestry. He ws- _ Xe^r Jersey in New York city, seminary, "hr? was asent

pastor cfr.. and ir.

of Tr:: . _= .- Albany, X.Y. : and went to "E^ ing the first re

-e of

for the board
