Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 06.djvu/468

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bethtown, N.J., 1784-85; of the Collegiate Dutch Reformed church, New York city, 1787-1805 ; president pro tempore of Rutgers college, 1791-94 , and trustee, 1787-1808 ; regent of the University of the State of New York, 1787-1808 ; chaplain of

the house of representatives, 1st congress, 1789- 91, and was elected president of Union college, Schenectady, N.Y., in 1804, but not inaugurated. He received the degree of D.D. from the College of New Jersey, in 1789. He was married first to Rebecca, daughter of the Rev. John Blair, vice- president of the College of New Jersey ; secondly to Mrs. Catherine Moore, widow of Dr. Moore, of New York city, and thirdly to Helen Hanson. He is the avithor of : Sermons (1791) ; Signs of the Times (1794); Funeral Eulogy on Washington (1800) ; and Sermon on Death of Alexander Hamil- ton (1804). He died in Albany, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1808.

LINN, William, author, was born in New York city, Aug. 31, 1790 ; son of the Rev. Wil- liam (1752-1803) and Rebecca (Blair) Linn. He was a student at Union college in the class of 1808, and became a lawyer at Ithaca, N.Y. He was married to Mary A. Biers. He is the au- thor of : Life of Thomas Jefferson (1834); Roor- 5ac/i Popers (1844); Legal and Commercial Com- monplace Book (1850). He died in Ithaca, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1867.

LINNEV, Romulus Z., representative, was born in Rutherford county, N.C., Dec. 26, 1841. He attended York's Collegiate Institute and Dr. Milieu's school at Taylorsville, N.C. He served as a private in the Confederate States army, 1861-63, and was severely Avounded in the battle of Chancellorsville. He returned to Taylorsville and continued his studies under Dr. Millen, studied law with Judge Armfield, was admitted to the bar in 1868 and practised in Taylorsville. He was elected state senator in 1870, 1873 and in 1882, and was a Republican representative from the eighth district of North Carolina in the 54th, 55th and 56th congresses, 1895-1901.

LINSLEY, James Harvey, naturalist, was born in North Branford, Conn., May 5, 1787; son of James and Sarah (Maltby) Linsley, and a

descendant of John Lindsley, orLinle, Branford,, Conn., 1640. He went south in 1809 as a teacher, and subsequently taught in Cheshire. He was graduated at Yale, A.B., 1817, A.M., 1820, and was principal of an academy at Canaan, 1817-20. He was married in 1821 to Sophia B., daughter of Col. William Lyon, of New Haven, Conn. He conducted a private school in Stratford, 1821-31 ; was ordained to the Baptist ministry in 1831 ; was an evangelist at Meridan ; pastor at Milford, Bridgeport and Stratford, 1832-36 ; delegate to the triennial convention at Richmond. Va., and travelled in Florida for his health and devoted himself to the study of natural history. He dis- covered species of mammalia never before found in New England, numerous birds unknown to Wilson, amphibia and reptiles theretofore un- known, and many new species of shells. He was elected a member of the Yale Natural His- tory society, of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, of the Hartford Natural History society, and of the Boston Society of Natural His- tory. He is the author of : Catcdogues of the Mammcdia of Connecticut, and Catalogue of the Birds, Fishes and Reptiles of Connecticut, with Notes. He died in Stratford, Conn., Dec. 26, 1848.

LINSLEY, Joel Harvey, educator, was born in Cornwall, Vt., July 16, 1790 ; son of Judge Joel Linsley, a native of Woodbury, Conn., who re- moved to Vermont in 1775. He was graduated at Middlebury college, A.B., 1811, A.M., 1814; taught school in W^insor, Vt., 1811-12 ; tutored at Middle- bury, 1813-15 ; was admitted to the bar in 1815 and prac- tised in Middlebury, Vt., 18- 15-21. He was a resident licentiate at Andover Theo- logical seminary, 1821-22; a missionary in South Carolina, 1823-24 ; was or- dained to the Congregational ministry, Feb. 25, 1824; pastor of the South church, Hartford, ]8- 24-32 ; the Park Street church, Boston, 1832-35; the first president of Marietta college, Ohio ; trustee and president of the board, and professor of moral and intellectual philosophy, 1835-46, and pastor of the Second church, Greenwich, Conn., 1846-68. He raised a large endowment for Marietta, and served as agent of the Society for the Aid of Western colleges. He was a cor- porate member of the A.B.C.F.M.. 1843-68, and a fellowof Yale, 1864-68. He received the honora- ry degree of D.D. from Middlebury in 1837. He is the author of Lectures to the Middle Aged. He died at Greenwich, Conn., March 22, 1868.

LINSLY, Jared, phj'sician, was born at North Branford, Conn., Oct. 30, 1803; son of Josiah L. and Eunice (Hall) Linsly and a descendant of John Linle, Branford, Conn., 1640. He was