Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 07.djvu/455

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MOOREt James, soldier, was born in New Hanover, N.C., in 1737; son of Maurice Moore, and grandson of James Moore, governor of South Carolina, 1700. He served under Governor Lyon as captain of artillery at the defeat of the regu- lators at Alamance in 1771 ; was colonel of the 1st regiment of North Carolina troops raised for the state defence, and commanded the regiment at Moore's Creek Bridge, N.C., in February, 1776. He was promoted brigadier-general ; was made commander-in-cluef of the Department of the South, and received the thanks of congress for his gallantry. He was stricken with fever while on his way to join General Washington, and died at Wilmington, N.C., Jan. 15, 1777.

MOORE, James W, educator, was born in Easton. Pa., June 14, 1844; son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Wamsley) Moore ; grandson of Samuel and Sarah (Green) Moore, and a descendant of the Rev. John and Margaret (Howell) Moore of New- town, N.Y. He was graduated from Lafayette, A.B., 1864, A.M., 1867 ; taught school in Easton, 1864-65, was at Lafayette as tutor, 1866-68, adjunct professor of mechanics and experimental philo- sophy, 1868-72, and was full professor from 1872. He was graduated from the University of Penn- sylvania, M.D., 1869. He was married, July 30, 1874, to Rachel Phillips, daughter of the Rev. James Flannery of Philadelphia. He directed the organization of the department of physics at Lafayette college and also equipped the labora- tory of the college. He was elected a member or fellow of numerous scientific societies ; was con- feree of the International Congress of Electri- cians, Philadelphia, 1884, and Chicago, 1893, and is the author of : The Elements of Natural Phil- osophy ; Instruments and Methods of Physical Measurements ; Electro-dynamic Phenomena, and other works on physics.

MOORE, Jere, educator, was born in Tuscu- lum, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1845 ; son of Anthony and Nancy Paxton (Holt) Moore, and grandson of David and Elizabeth (Smith) Moore. The Moores were Scotch and the Holts English. He was graduated from the Greenville and Tusculum college, Tusculum, Tenn., A.B., 1871, and from Lane Theological seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1874. He was married. Dec. 10, 1874, to Bell R., daughter of E. E. Mathes. He was licensed to preach, Sept. 4, 1873 ; ordained by the presby- tery of Halston in September, 1874 ; preached in Tennessee at Amity, Timber Ridge, Mt. Bethel and Oakland, 1873-83. He was president of Greenville and Tusculum college from May, 1883, to May, 1901, and was eminently successful in building up the college. In 1901 he resigned, and was made vice-president and professor of politi- cal sciences. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from Greenville and Tusculum college.

MOORE, Jesse Hale, educator, clergyman, soldier and representative, was born in St. Clair county, 111., April 22, 1817. He was graduated from McKendree college, Lebanon, 111., A.B., 1842, A.M., 1845 ; was a teacher at Nashville, 111.. 1844-46. He was licensed to preach in 1846 and was pastor of the Shelby ville M.E. church. He subsequently became principal of the seminary at Paris, Ky., and was president of Quincy college, III., 1854-56, and pastor at Decatur, III., 1856-62. In 1862 he resigned and raised the 115th Illinois regiment, which he commanded at Chickamauga and in the pursuit of Hood, and for a time he commanded the 2nd brigade, 1st division, 4th army corps, Thomas's Army of the Cumberland, in the Tennessee campaign, 1864-65. He was bre vetted brigadier-general of volunteers in 1865 for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war. He returned to Illinois, was elected pre- siding elder of the Decatur district in 1868, and was a Republican representative in the 41st and 42nd congresses, 1869-73, being chairman of the committee on invalid pensions during the 42nd congress. The honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by McKendree college in 1871. In 1881 he was appointed U.S. consul at Callao, Peru, where he died, July 11, 1883.

MOORE, John, representative, was born in Berkeley county, Va., in 1788. He removed to Franklin, La. ; was a representative in the state legislature, 1825-35, and served for several years in the state senate. He was a representative in the 26th and 27th congresses, 1839-43, removed to New Iberia, and was a representative in the 32nd congress, 1851-53. He was a presidential elector in 1849, and a delegate to the Louisiana seces- sion convention, 1861. He died in New Iberia, La., in June, 1867.

MOORE, John, surgeon, was born in Indiana, Aug. 16, 1826. He entered the U.S. army as assistant surgeon in June, 1853 ; served at Fort Myers, Fla., 1853-56; at Fort Independence, Boston, Mass., 1856-57 ; with the Utah expedition, 1857-61, and at the marine hospital at Cincinnati, 1861-62. He was promoted surgeon in June, 1862, and served as medical director of the central grand division of the Army of the Potomac, 1862-63 ; of the Department of the Tennessee, 1863-65, and of the Department of the Mississippi, 1865-66. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel, Sept. 1, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and colonel, March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. He was stationed at Fort Wads- worth, N.Y., 1866, and at Fort Columbus, N.Y., 1867, and was examining surgeon of recruits and a member of the medical board of New York city, 1867-86. He was appointed medical purveyor, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, Oct. 8, 1883,