Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 08.djvu/110

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New York Era, 1879-81 ; and on the editorial staff of the New York Herald in New York, London and Paris. 1883-91, when ho retired from active journalism and devoted liimself to general writing, and to the study of mathematics and astronomy in their rehition to astrology. He traveled in Mexico. California and Central America in 1870. and in Holland and Belgium for the Bk)ston foreign exhibition in 1883. He was one of the founders and first president of the American Numismatic and Arcluvological society. He contributed to current literature and to cyclopedias ; wrote plays which were pro- duced in New York, New Orleans, Philadelpliia and St. Louis, including : Leonie, or Love Wins (1873); Alhamhra, a burlesque (1874); Azrael, a fairy spectacle (1874); Cupid and Psyche, a burlesque (1874): and Maude's Faith (1874), melodrama. He is the author of : Illustrated Historical Register of the Ccntoniiul Exhibition (1876), and The Paris E.vjMsition (1878); The Riijhts and Wrongs of Labor (1879); Life of Major-General Winfield Scott Hancock, with Rev. David K. Junliiu.D.D. (1880); Life of Alexander H. Stephens (1883); Romance of the Life o/ Daniel Boone {\88'i); The Malachite Cross (1894). He edited, and published (privately), in 1807, from the original MS. whicii fell into his hands by a curiou-s chance— Jo^rjm/ Kept by Hugh Finlay, Surveyor of the Post Roads on the Continent of Xorth America, 1773-1774 , of which only one Inindred and twenty-five copies were printed.

NORTON, George Hatley, clergyman, was born in "Winchester, Va., May 7, 1824 ; son of tiie Rev. George Hatley and Catherine (Bush) Norton; grandson of John Hatley and Anne (Nicholas) Norton, and of Philip and Catherine (Clough) Bush, and a descendant of John Norton, a native of London, England, who settled in Yorktown, Va. He matriculated at Hobart college in the class of 1843. left to study law in Virginia, but abandoned it for the ministry, and was graduated at the Theological seminary of Virginia in 1846. He was admitted to the diaconate in July, 1846, and ordained priest in May, 1848, by Bishop Meade ; was rector of St. James's, Warrenton, Va., 1846- 48 ; of Trinity. Columbus, Ohio, 1858-59, and of St. Paul's, Alexandria, Va., 1859-93. He was a delegate to the general council of the Protestant Episcopal churcli in the Confederate States ; deputy to the general conventions in the United States, 1868-86: a member of the standing com- mittee of the fliocese, and a trustee of the Theo- logical Seminary of Virginia, 1865-93. He was elected professor of .systematic divinity in the Theological Seminary of Virginia in 1874, and president of Kenyon college. Ohio, in 1876. but declined both. He received the degree S.T.D. from William and Mary college in 1869. He was

married June 1, 1854, to Ann Burwell, daughter of James Keith and Claudia Hamilton (Bur well) Marshall, of Fauquier county, Va. He contrib- uted to current religious literature and is the author of : Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of the Holy Catholic Church (1853). He died at Alexandria, Va.. Sept. 15, 1893.

NORTON, James, representative, was born in Marion county, S.C., Oct. 8, 1843 ; son of John and Pennsy (Lewis) Norton ; grandson of James Norton and of Jonathan Lewis, and a descendant of the Nortons who first came from England to New England, thence to Virginia near Alexan- dria, and then to South Carolina after the Revo- lution ; and of the Lewises who came from the north of Ireland to Virginia and to South Carolina. He was attending an academy at Archadelphia when South Carolina seceded, and he entered the Confederate armj-, and served through the war in the Army of Northern Virginia. He was shot through the body and right lung, and was captured at the battle of Petersburg in 1864. He re-entered the academy in 1865, but did not finish his course, and engaged in merchandising and farming in Mullins, S.C. He was married May 18, 1870, to Rachel C, daughter of Col. W. W, Sellers, of Jlarion county. He was school com- missioner for Marion county in 1870-72 ; rejjre- .sented Marion county in the South Carolina leg- islature, 1886-87 and 1890-91 ; was assistant comptroller-general, 1891-94, and comptroller- general of the state, 1894—97, and Democratic representative from the sixth district in the 55th congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John L. McLaurin, and in the 56th congress, serving to March 3, 1901.

NORTON, James Albert, representative, was born in Seneca county, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1843 ; son of Dr. Rufus and Clarissa (Waters) Norton, pioneers of Seneca county. Dr. Rufus Norton was a native of Utica, N.Y., and his father, Isaiah Norton, an immigrant from the North of England. James Albert Norton was educated in the public schools of Tiffin, Ohio, and in August, 1862. en- listed in the 101st Ohio volunteer infantry, where he attained the rank of sergeant. He was pro- moted 1st lieutenant and transferred to the 123d U.S. colored infantry in 1864, served the regi- ment as adjutant, and was mustered out in 1865. He was married July 19. 1865, to Adeline, daugh- ter of Thomas Hemming, of Tiffin, Ohio. He studied medicine. 1865-67. settled in practice in Tiffin in 1867, and continued in that until 1879. in the meantime studying law. He was admitted to the bar in 1879, and practiced at Tiffin. He represented Seneca county in the Ohio legislature for three terms, 1874-80, and was speaker jyro tempore of that body, 1878-80. He was a mem- ber of the Seneca County Agricultural society ;