WHEATON, Loyd, soldiir, was horn in Penn-
fiekl. Mic-li.. July 15. 1838; son of William G. and
Amanda M. (Parker) Wheaton ; grandson of Wil-
liam Wheaton and of Lemuel Parker. lie en-
listed as 1st sergeant, 8th Illinois infantry. April
20, 1861 ; was coTn-
missioned 1st lieu-
tenant, July 25, 18G1 ;
fought at Donelson.
and was promoted
captain. Marcli 25.
1862. He served at
Shiloli, April 6-7,
1862 ; engaged in the
pursuit to Corinth,
and served in Logan's
division of McPlier-
son's corps in Grant's
Vicksburg campaign,
fighting at Raymond,
Jackson, and Cliam-
pion Hill. He was
promoted major, Aug. 28, 1863 ; served on Gen-
eral Logan's staff ; was promoted lieutenant-
colonel Nov. 25, 1864, and served in the cam-
paign against Mobile, Ala. He was brevetted
colonel, March 26. 1865, and was presented with
a medal of honor fcr bravery at Fort Blakely,
Ala., April 9. 1865. He was mustered out of the
volunteer service. May 4, 1866 : commissioned
captain, 34th infantry. July 28, 1866, and brevetted
major and colonel, U.S.A., March 2, 1867. He
was married, Dec. 17. 1867, to Cliarlotte (Flower)
Derby, daughterof Zephonand Margaret (Glazier)
Flower. He was promoted major, Oct. 14, 1891,
lieutenant-colonel. May 31, 1895 ; was commis-
sioned brigadier-general of volunteers. May 27,
1898, commanding the 1st brigade, 1st division, 7th corps, and was promoted colonel, U.S.A., Feb. 6. 1899. He was honorably discharged from the volunteer service, April 15. 1899, and on the same date was re-appointed. He embarked with U.S. forces for Manila, Jan. 27. 1899 ; attacked and occupied Pasig. March 13-19, 1899; invested Ca- lumpsit. April 24 : advanced soutlito Imus, June 10-19 ; was brevetted major-general of volunteers, June 18, for gallantry near Imus, and on Nov. 7,
1899, against consiilerable opix)sition landed a force of 2700 men on the shore of the Gulf of Lingayen and t<x)k up a line of march for Dagupan. which his advance guard entered on Noveml>er 20. He led a column against the iia- tives at Laguna Bay ; commanded the military district of Northern Luzon, 1900. and was pro- moted major-general of volunteers. .June 18, 1900 : brigadier-gf'neral, U.S. A. .Feb. 2. 1901. and major- general. U.S.A.. March 30, 1901. He commanded the D'-partment of North Philippines. 1901-02. and was retired July 15. 1902. by age limit-
WHEATON, Nathaniel Sheldon, educator, was
born in Washington. Conn.. An;;. 20. 1792. He
was graduated from Yale, A.B.. 1814, A.M.. 1817 ;
was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Kemp
of Maryland, where he resided, 1814-18, and was
chosen rector of Christ church, Hartford, Conn.,
in 1818, He became interested in the establish-
ment of a second college in Connecticut, and was
one of the original board of trustees of Wasliiiig-
ton (Trinity) college. Hartford, 1823-58, being
sent to England in 1823 in the interests of the
new institution. While abroad, he made a study
of architecture, and on his return prepared the
plan for the new Christ church at Hartford. He
succeeded Thomas Church Brownell as president
of the college in 1831, and in 1837 he resigned and
became rector of Christ church. New Orleans,
La., remaining in that capacity until 1844, when
he retired from active work. He bequeathed to
Trinity college his valuable library, and a sum of
money to form the nucleus of a chapel fund. The
honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on him by
Waterville college in 1832 and by Yale in 1833.
His journal of foreign travels was published in
1830 and he is also the author of: Remarks on
^Vas]lingfnn College and The Epistle to Philemon.
He die'l in Marl>ledale. Conn., March 18, 1862.
WHEELER, Benjamin Ide, educator, was born in Randolph, Mass., July 15, 1854 ; son of the Rev. Benjamin and Mary Eliza (Ide) Wheeler ; grand- son of Amos and Phebe (Page) Wheeler and of Ebenezer and Jemima (Wheelock) Ide, and a descendant of John Wheeler of Salis- bury, Eng., who with his son David came to Massachusetts be- fore 1650 ; also from Nicholas Ide of Re- hoboth (1643) and Ralph Wheelock of Shropshire, England, who was educated at Clare Hall, Cam- bridge, and came to Watertown, Mass., 1637. Benjamin Ide Wheeler attended the public schools of Ha- verhill. Mass., and of Saco, Maine ; completed his preparatorj' education in Colby academy. New London. N.H., and was graduated from Brown university, A.B., 1875, A.M., 1878. He was a teacher in the Providence (R.I.) high school, 1875-79 ; an instructor in Latin and Greek. Brown university. 1879-81, and a member of Providence .school committee. He was married, June 27, 1881 . to Aniey, daughter of Henry A. and Amey (Gor- ham) Webb of Providence, R.I. He continued
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