something in this stuff about black people being different and more low than other colored people. You're just a common ordinary nigger! God, how I despise you!” And she had rushed out of the room, leaving Emma Lou dazed by the suddenness and wrath of her tirade.
Emma Lou was busier than she had ever been before in her life. She had finally received her appointment and was teaching in one of the public schools in Harlem. Doing this in addition to nursing Alva and Alva Junior, and keeping house for them in Alva’s same old room. Within six months she had managed to make little Alva Junior, take on some of the physical aspects of a normal child. His little legs were in braces, being straightened. Twice a week she took him to the clinic where he had violet ray sun baths and oil massages. His little body had begun to fill out and simultaneously it seemed as if his head was decreasing in size. There was only one feature which remained unchanged; his abnormally large eyes still retained their insane stare. They appeared frozen and terrified as if their owner was gazing upon some horrible, yet fascinating object or occurrence. The doctor said that this would disappear in time.
During those six months there had been a steady change in Alva Senior, too. At first he had been as