Page:The Book of Common Prayer.djvu/13

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The Contents of this Book
i An Act for the Vniformitie of Common Prayer.
2 The Præface.
3 Concerning the service of the Church.
4 Concerning Ceremonies.
5 The Order how the Psalter is appointed to be read.
6 The Order how the rest of the holy scripture is appointed to be read.
7 A Table of proper Lessons, and Psalms.
8 Tables, and Rules for the Feasts, and Fasts through the whole year.
9 The Kalendar, with the Table of Lessons.
10 The Order for Morning Prayer.
11 The Order for Evening Prayer.
12 The Creed of St Athanasius.
13 The Litany.
14 Prayers and Thanksgivings, vpon severall Occasions
15 The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, to be vsed at the ministration of the holy Communion throughout the year.
16 The Order of the Ministration of the holy Communion.
17 The Order of Baptism, both publick, and private.
18 The Order of Baptism for those of riper years.
19 The Catechism, with the Order for Confirmation of children.
20 Matrimony.
21 Visitation of the sick, and Communion of the sick.
22 Burial.
23 Thanksgiving for women after Child-bearing
24 A Commination or denouncing of Gods Anger and Judgements against Sinners.
25 The Psalter.
26 The Order of Prayers to be vsed at sea.
27. A form and manner of ordaining Bishops, Priests and Deacons.

An Act