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them; and thy father loved me because of my lack of officiousness, for which reason my service is obligatory on thee. I am no meddler, as thou pretendest, and on this account I am known as the Silent, the Grave One. Wherefore it behoves thee to give thanks to God and not cross me for I am a true counsellor to thee and take an affectionate interest in thee. I would I were in thy service a whole year, that thou mightst do me justice: and I would ask no hire of thee for this.’ When I heard this, I said, ‘Thou wilt certainly be the death of me this day!’Note xxx. ‘O my lord,’ replied he, ‘I am he whom the folk call the Silent, by reason of my few words, to distinguish me from my six brothers, the eldest of whom was called Becbac,[1] the second Heddar,[2] the third Fekic,[3] the fourth El Kouz el Aswani,[4] the fifth El Feshar,[5] the sixth Shecashic[6] and the seventh (myself) Samit.’[7] Whilst he thus overwhelmed me with his talk, I thought my gall-bladder would burst; so I said to the servant, ‘Give him a quarter-dinar and let him go, for God’s sake! I won’t have my head shaved to-day.’ ‘What words are these, O my lord?’ said he. ‘By Allah, I will take no hire of thee till I have served thee; and needs must I serve thee, for indeed it is incumbent on me to do so and fulfil thy need; and I care not if I take no money of thee. If thou knowest not my worth, I know thine; and I owe thy father (may God the Most High have mercy on him!) many a kindness, for he was a generous man. By Allah, he sent for me one day as it were this blessed day, and I went in to him and found a company of his friends with him. He would have had me let him blood; but I pulled out my astrolabe and taking an altitude for him, found the aspect inauspicious and the hour unfavourable for the letting of blood. I told him of this and he conformed to my advice

  1. Prater.
  2. Babbler.
  3. Gabbler.
  4. The Stone Mug.
  5. The Braggart.
  6. Noisy.
  7. Silent.