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Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 1.djvu/310

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ails thee that thou struck off but nine heads?’ ‘God forbid,’ replied he, ‘that I should behead only nine, when thou didst order me to behead ten!’ Quoth the Khalif, ‘Meseems, thou hast beheaded but nine and he who is before thee is the tenth.’ ‘By thy munificence,’ replied the headsman, ‘I have beheaded ten!’ So they counted the dead men, and behold, they were ten. Then said the Khalif to me, ‘What made thee keep silence at such a time and how camest thou in company with these men of blood? Thou art a man of great age, but assuredly thy wit is but little.’ When I heard the Khalif’s words, I replied, ‘Know, O Commander of the Faithful, that I am the Silent Elder, and am thus called to distinguish me from my six brothers. I am a man of great learning, whilst, as for the gravity of my understanding, the excellence of my apprehension and the spareness of my speech, there is no end to them; and by craft I am a barber. I went out early yesterday morning and saw these ten men making for a boat, and thinking they were bound on a party of pleasure, joined myself to them and embarked with them. After awhile, there came up the officers, who put chains round their necks and round mine amongst the rest, but in the excess of my courtesy, I kept silence and did not speak, nor was this other than generosity on my part. Then they brought us before thee and thou didst order the ten robbers’ heads to be stricken off; yet did I not make myself known to thee, purely of my great generosity and courtesy, which led me to share with them in their death. But all my life have I dealt thus nobly with the folk, and they still requite me after the foulest fashion.’ When the Khalif heard what I said and knew that I was a man of exceeding generosity and few words and no meddler (as this young man would have it, whom I rescued from horrors and who has so scurvily repaid me), he laughed so immoderately that he fell backward.