Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/133

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Then he cried out three times and fell down senseless, and the stoker rose and covered him. When Nuzhet ez Zeman heard the first verses, she called to mind her mother and father and brother; and when she heard the second, mentioning the names of herself and her brother and their sometime home, she wept and calling the eunuch, said to him, “Out on thee! But now I heard him who recited the first time do so again, and that hard by. So, by Allah, an thou fetch him not to me, I will rouse the Chamberlain on thee, and he shall beat thee and turn thee away. But take these hundred dinars and give them to him and do him no hurt, but bring him to me gently. If he refuse, give him this purse of a thousand dinars and leave him and return to me and tell me, after thou hast informed thyself of his place and condition and what countryman he is. Night lxxiii.Return quickly and do not linger, and beware lest thou come back and say, ‘I could not find him.’” So the eunuch went out and fell to examining the people and treading amongst them, but found none awake, for the folk were all asleep for weariness, till he came to the stoker and saw him sitting up, with his head uncovered. So he drew near him and seizing him by the hand, said to him, “It was thou didst recite the verses!” The stoker was affrighted and replied, “No, by Allah, O chief of the people, it was not I!” But the eunuch said, “I will not leave thee till thou show me who it was; for I fear to return to my lady without him.” Thereupon the stoker feared for Zoulmekan and wept sore and said to the eunuch, “By Allah, it was not I, nor do I know who it was. I only heard some passer-by recite verses: so do not thou commit sin on me, for I am a stranger and come from Jerusalem, and Abraham the Friend of God be with thee!” “Come thou with me,” rejoined the eunuch, “and tell my lady this with thine own mouth, for I see none awake but thee.” Quoth the stoker, “Hast thou not seen me sitting