Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/201

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chants came to Constantinople and sold their merchandise, the image on the wall spoke to them, by God’s special grace to me; so they made for the hermitage and tortured Metrouhena, after the most grievous fashion, and dragged him by the beard, till he showed them where I was, when they took me and fled for fear of death. To-morrow, Temathil will visit the hermitage as of wont, and her father and his squires will come after her, to protect her: so, an ye would be witness of these things, take me with you and I will deliver to you the treasure and the riches of the knight Decianus, that are stored up in that mountain; for I saw them bring out vessels of gold and silver to drink in and heard a damsel of their company sing to them in Arabic. Alas, that so sweet a voice should not be busied in reciting the Koran! So, an ye will, I will bring you to the hermitage and ye shall hide there, against the coming of Decianus and his daughter. Then take her, for she is only fit for the king of the age, Sherkan, or for King Zoulmekan.” When they heard her words, they all rejoiced, with the exception of the Vizier Dendan, who put no faith in her story, for her words took no hold on his reason and he was confounded at her discourse and signs of doubt and disbelief appeared in his face; but he feared to speak with her, for awe of the King. Then she said, “I fear lest Decianus come and seeing the troops encamped here, be afraid to enter the hermitage.” So Zoulmekan resolved to despatch the army towards Constantinople and said, “I mean to take a hundred horse and many mules and make for the mountain, where we will load the mules with the treasure.” Then he sent for the Chamberlain and for the captains of the Turks and Medes and said to them, “As soon as it is day, do ye strike camp and set out for Constantinople. Thou, O Chamberlain, shall fill my place in council and command, and thou, O Rustem, shalt be my brother’s deputy in battle. Let none know that we are not